Wednesday, March 21, 2012

More crafty things

I have made more things lately - here are two more items I made, both lampshades of sorts.

The black and white one is next to my husband's bed, and the red and white one, is next to mine.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Wooly hat, just a bit too small

So, I have LONG planned to do all sorts of crafty things for my family, and finally today I completed a thing. I am making Morgan and scarf and hat for school. Here is the hat, although it may be just a tad too small.

I am using those roundy roundy thingies that I bought years ago with a view to making wooly hats.

Morgan's one is black so she can wear it to school. I am going to make one for Douglas in camouflage colours. I just wonder if we will be able to find it when he is not wearing it.

More pics later.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Food colouring with a difference

Um, ok!

Hello Peter substitutes very strange words

I wrote a Hello Peter complaint today (I am sorry that it came to that, but customer service must be that - service).

Two words I used were bleeped out in the complaint that showed online: idiots, and screwed. As in, I had dealt with idiots, and if you bought from this company and your product broke down, you were screwed cos you wouldn't be able to get it fixed.

I can understand swear words and obscenities being bleeped out, but I didn't think those were bad? Sorry people. The thing is, with the substitutions, it looked like i said worse words, which is hillarious.

Maybe I am not as old as I thought I was.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Save money on popcorn

Yes, I know it sounds freaky and stupid, but if your kids love popcorn as much as mine do, and prefer the microwave type to the type you do in a pot, then you know what I am talking about.

Save tens of Rands each month by doing this instead:

buy bulk brown bags (a couple of cents each) and the cheap bulk packets of popcorn, and use the two together to make your own microwave popcorn. It works fantastically, give the same exact result (except perhaps for the flavouring) and is a huge hit.

We also bought a shaker of salt and vinegar salt. Now all we need to do is figure out how to flavour the popcorn to butter...