There is an ever-increasing number of bikes on our roads, and I have started noticing that the cars are becoming more and more tolerant (or perhaps just aware) of them. Despite the few drivers (women, I must admit) who don’t see them, and can tend to change lanes directly in front of them causing them to pull front wheelies and make all kinds of hand signs at the drivers; the four wheel drivers on the whole are learning to share the road with their two wheel counter-parts.
I have noticed that bikes have the best of all worlds. If the traffic is backed up, bikes can wriggle their way through the lanes and keep moving through the gaps where the cars cannot. Bikes can park in much smaller spaces than cars; bikes can go from zero to ridiculous in like 2 seconds, where most cars cannot; bikes use much less fuel – and let’s face it, it is not getting any cheaper! Bikes are somehow more mobile than cars, and seem to have a whole culture surrounding them. Bikes represent a whole other world to me – a freedom, an ideal, - a nebulous concept I cannot define in words. Something to do with speed, the open road, just you and your wits against everything else (including cars who don’t always see you), an element of danger I guess.
Have you ever owned a bike? Do you currently? Do you wanna?
I may be getting one soon, watch this space...
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