Sunday, October 15, 2006

Random alcohol tests...

9 Aug 2006

My company has various clients, and one of the clients I work for at the moment is a large mining company. As part of the safety procedures (which are truly impressive, and zero tolerance is the name of the game).

At each mine site, there are very strict procedures that each person has to follow, and failure to adhere to every rule, no matter how small the infringement may seem is viewed in a very serious light, and may lead to disciplinary procedures, and even job loss.

One of the procedures that has been introduced at the Head Office is the random alcohol testing. The rule is that if you have been out to lunch and had any alcohol at lunch, you were not allowed back onto the premises, under ANY circumstances, for ANY reason, whatsoever.

A few months ago, they introduced a system whereby at random times throughout the day - sometimes starting first thing, often after lunch, and so on - where you would have to put your hand into a box and pull out a ball. If you drew a white one, you could go. If you drew the orange ball, you had to go into the room on the side, and blow into a breathalyser thingy to test your alcohol level. If it registered above a certain level, they would wait 10 minutes, and do it again. If it registered again, then it was grounds an immediate disciplinary hearing.

This is all good stuff, and goes to prove the company's commitment to zero harm, etc, however, there is one thing that disturbs me.

I have seen with my own eyes, how the executives refuse to take part in the random testing, how they are rude to the security guards, and how they cause unhappiness for those who are then caught.

I think it is a poor show, and I got into trouble for speaking up. Because I am not an employee, I have no right to speak in the same ways as the employees, but feel just as strongly as they do. It is either for everyone, or for no one. Surely, safety is safety, and that should include everyone.

Pepole who refuse to submit to this random test do a number of things:
>They make the guards seem ineffective, and that embarrasses them,
>They make the others not want to take the test,
>They make those who are busted not feel like the system is fair
>They bring the company and its systems into disrepute
>They cause dissention in the ranks, and spread rebellionI believe that this is something that should be nipped in the bud before it gets out of hand.If you were in my position, what would you do?

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