Sunday, October 15, 2006

Hollywood White?

My friend is considering paying over four grand to have her teeth Zoom whitened. I don’t think she needs it, but I guess it’s not up to me. It is the code of the old West – a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do (or woman in this case). I read somewhere that your teeth will never (naturally) be whiter than the whites of your eyes.But surely there is a better way to get whiter teeth than paying so much?

Until a few years ago, toothbrushes were like computer keyboards – there was only really one basic model. Then all of a sardine, there were many different types – with an indicator to let you know when to change it; mixing bristle types on the same brush to maximise the gum massaging and plaque reaching ability of the brush; battery-powered toothbrushes with tiny round heads that were supposed to be the answer to the answer to the world’s teeth cleaning problems, and most recently, there are two types in particular that have caught my eye.

There is the Aquafresh 3-Way Head system which “adapts to the contours of your teeth to effectively remove plaque by reaching along the gum line 5X better* (the * says laboratory testing versus standard flat trim brush)”. Audience: Oooooooh.Then there is the other new Colgate brush (don’t have the advert in front of me) which has sonic pulses - supposed to loosen the plaque and provide a better all round cleaning. This brush takes one AAA battery, and indicator bristles.Both of these brushes seem to work very well, and I am sure that if used morning and evening, as prescribed by most dentists, you should not have any problems with your teeth.

Here are some tips I came across (translation – lifted from some mag) to keep your teeth white:
>rinse your mouth out with water half an hour after eating anything with a high sugar content
>Sugar content can strip enamel from your teeth – cut down on fruit juice and fizzy drinks, or drink them with a straw
>Red wine and coffee leave behind microscopic residues that cannot be easily brushed away, and can stain your teeth
>Brush your twice at least twice a day, and floss once a day to ensure that you keep your teeth clean and free from plaque build-up

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