Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Strange noises in other people’s houses

I am house sitting for someone, and yesterday I could swear there was someone else in the house with me. Cue twilight zone music...

Even the cat looked at the door expectantly a few times as if there was someone about to walk in with some of the noises. Perhaps there are ghosts living there. He did say the ceiling beams creak and expand, but beams don’t sound like footsteps.

After feeding the three large Alsatians (which I have to say did make me feel better until they started barking at midnight and would not stop) I adjourned to the TV room to watch whatever was on DSTV. I only have free TV so it was a real treat for me. As it turns out, there wasn’t much, and I ended up watching the Apprentice anyway.

Now, there are three very large dogs, and three very small cats (and three gold fish, although I don’t think the gold fish would have done much if there was a burglar) that live there, and the dogs live outside, and the cats generally live wherever they please. Somehow, the female Alsatian – my favourite as it happens - got in the house and came and slept in my room. I must say it made me feel a lot safer, but I still wonder how she got in. I woke up with three cats sleeping on top of me, a dog at my feet, and the two dogs outside my window.

If I think of how nervous I was staying in this huge house where there were spooky noises, I realize I was silly to even think anything was amiss. I do realize though that living in a complex definitely makes me feel safer, and I am not sure if I would stay in a free standing house while I am still living on my own.

The only thing that was a problem is that this morning I woke up with a swollen mouth and lips. I didn’t eat or drink anything strange or unusual, and there doesn’t seem to be any evidence of a bite of any kind. I can only assume that I am allergic to the dogs, the fabric softener this family uses, something in their house, or I went sleep walking and bumped into something. My mouth is not sore, but I am talking funny, and it does look like I have been in a fight.

Just what I always needed – to be a biker chick with a fat lip. Nice.

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