Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bikers and chatting

Over the weekend, I was just about to get onto my bike in a parking lot when a pair pulled up on another bike just next to me. It was a couple that seemed very friendly, so we started chatting. She commented on how lovely she thought my pink butterfly helmet was, and I chatted to her about the patterns on the new Shark helmets, and the 20% off at Skinny's. Her male companion said he knew where her shop was and that they may take a turn past there.

We chatted about lots of things, and when i was about to leave, I asked him if he was going to take her to the shop. He said he would if she would agree to another date. HA HA

I did not realise that I was interrupting a serious spading session!! I hope it all works out for them :)

The thing that I like is that bikers usually will chat to each other, and it is fun to be able to chat to them. I that we have a sort of community and are automatically pre-accepted by other bikers.

Cool like that.

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