So what is up with people and aircon? Serious question?
I mean, just because it is 35 degrees outside doesn’t mean that it has to be fucking 15 inside! If you just leave the aircon on 22 degrees all year round there won’t be a problem. When I was living in Canada, I left mine on 22 degrees C and it was very pleasant. When it was cold out I found it pleasant and warm inside, and when it was warm out I found it pleasant and cool inside. 22 degrees is the universally accepted standard “room temperature” and this ridiculous thing of putting the temp down to fucking cold in summer and up to fucking hot in winter is why we all get sick. Yes, I know temperature in and of itself can’t make you ill, but if you are fighting a little infection or a bacteria or a virus, it will.
People wear extra clothes in winter cos it’s cold. They wear layers so they can take them off inside the building, but they certainly don’t expect the fucking heat wave they had last year in Hawaii, and the same goes for summer. People wear light clothing, often with no jerseys etc, so when they walk inside the building and it is as if the North Pole has arrived, it is very, very annoying.
Think people! WTF!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
You can ring my bell
My fiancé is a wonderful man. Despite the fact that we had only actually been dating for a little over two months, maybe slightly longer, he asked me to marry him, and I said yes!
On what I thought was an unrelated topic, he asked me possibly even two or three weeks earlier what I thought about the whole engagement ring thing – should a man get a woman a promise ring, or THE ring, and my reply – thinking it was just a hypothetical question, and therefore I could say anything without considering whether or not it could possibly apply to me – was that I thought a promise ring was best. It was the best since even if the man knew her taste extremely well, and even if she had said that she had liked a few rings they had passed in shop windows, and even if he knew her preference for white versus yellow gold, or heaven forbid - platinum, there was always room that since little girls know what they want even if they don’t, they will know what they don’t when they see it. But they will never say since it is from their beloved, and it is a gift from him symbolizing a whole institution – a romantic gesture that is almost certain never to be topped. It is also the crowning event of a lifelong fantasy that started when we heard our first, once upon a time story. It is something that is just too important to be left to chance unless you know what you are doing.
Now, in my case – he knew what he was doing, and I felt incredibly bad for being told that I could still have a ring made. But since he insisted, I have had the ring designed that will be the most beautiful ring in the history of the world.
Watch this space for pics of both.
In case you don’t get it – my fiancé is the BEST man in the world. And he’s MINE. So there!
On what I thought was an unrelated topic, he asked me possibly even two or three weeks earlier what I thought about the whole engagement ring thing – should a man get a woman a promise ring, or THE ring, and my reply – thinking it was just a hypothetical question, and therefore I could say anything without considering whether or not it could possibly apply to me – was that I thought a promise ring was best. It was the best since even if the man knew her taste extremely well, and even if she had said that she had liked a few rings they had passed in shop windows, and even if he knew her preference for white versus yellow gold, or heaven forbid - platinum, there was always room that since little girls know what they want even if they don’t, they will know what they don’t when they see it. But they will never say since it is from their beloved, and it is a gift from him symbolizing a whole institution – a romantic gesture that is almost certain never to be topped. It is also the crowning event of a lifelong fantasy that started when we heard our first, once upon a time story. It is something that is just too important to be left to chance unless you know what you are doing.
Now, in my case – he knew what he was doing, and I felt incredibly bad for being told that I could still have a ring made. But since he insisted, I have had the ring designed that will be the most beautiful ring in the history of the world.
Watch this space for pics of both.
In case you don’t get it – my fiancé is the BEST man in the world. And he’s MINE. So there!
What’s inside YOUR toothpaste tube?
My fiancé and I drive or ride in to work together on a daily basis. Yes, it is sappy, and I don’t care. It allows us to spend quality time cursing together at the traffic. No seriously, it allows us to spend at least an additional hour to two hours a day together just chatting and being in each other’s company. What we talk about is not earth-shattering and it won’t change the face of the earth, but it is special to me, and I really enjoy it.
We work very close together in Sandton and it occurred to me one day that instead of fighting the traffic separately, we should fight it together and lend each other moral support while we were at it. Some days we go in the car and some days we go on our bikes. To that end, he bought us the most fun things – Bluetooth headsets – that are an absolute boon.
The box says the range is 500 metres, but it is really more like 100, and doesn’t seem to work that well round a corner. Dunno why. It is as clear as if he were sitting next to me, and we have the best conversations. I am still loving it more than I guess the average person as it is still a novelty to me, and I just love being able to chat to him while we are riding. He usually rides ahead and gives me warnings about cretins who are blocking the road, hogging the white line, or just about to pull out in front of the cars and bikes – i.e., me; and that is also extremely helpful.
Now, here is an interesting thing. In my previous life, when I was still a faithful church-going member, Craig used to often talk about what was in your toothpaste tube. The analogy went like this: you will only know what kind of character you have if it is tested with pressure. In other words, what is inside a toothpaste tube? Whatever is inside, and you can only know that if you squeeze it.
I have seen him squeezed in traffic and at home, and I am pleased to say that he loves me all the same. No wait, that is another story for another day. I am pleased to say that his principles and beliefs and what makes him who he his remains the same even when under pressure. We are in the car today, and of course, were facing cretins at every turn, but then he noticed an elderly lady on the side of the road, hovering by her car, looking a bit frazzled. He immediately said “we need to stop and help her”. He pulled over and instead of being all bent out of shape by the annoying traffic etc, he was all charming and we helped the lady to get petrol and be on her way. He also didn’t let her pay for the petrol we bought her. (Ok, it was only a small amount, but still.)
I am pleased to say – Craig – I have found a man of solid character, not to mention who is kind to old ladies. My mother would be pleased!
We work very close together in Sandton and it occurred to me one day that instead of fighting the traffic separately, we should fight it together and lend each other moral support while we were at it. Some days we go in the car and some days we go on our bikes. To that end, he bought us the most fun things – Bluetooth headsets – that are an absolute boon.
The box says the range is 500 metres, but it is really more like 100, and doesn’t seem to work that well round a corner. Dunno why. It is as clear as if he were sitting next to me, and we have the best conversations. I am still loving it more than I guess the average person as it is still a novelty to me, and I just love being able to chat to him while we are riding. He usually rides ahead and gives me warnings about cretins who are blocking the road, hogging the white line, or just about to pull out in front of the cars and bikes – i.e., me; and that is also extremely helpful.
Now, here is an interesting thing. In my previous life, when I was still a faithful church-going member, Craig used to often talk about what was in your toothpaste tube. The analogy went like this: you will only know what kind of character you have if it is tested with pressure. In other words, what is inside a toothpaste tube? Whatever is inside, and you can only know that if you squeeze it.
I have seen him squeezed in traffic and at home, and I am pleased to say that he loves me all the same. No wait, that is another story for another day. I am pleased to say that his principles and beliefs and what makes him who he his remains the same even when under pressure. We are in the car today, and of course, were facing cretins at every turn, but then he noticed an elderly lady on the side of the road, hovering by her car, looking a bit frazzled. He immediately said “we need to stop and help her”. He pulled over and instead of being all bent out of shape by the annoying traffic etc, he was all charming and we helped the lady to get petrol and be on her way. He also didn’t let her pay for the petrol we bought her. (Ok, it was only a small amount, but still.)
I am pleased to say – Craig – I have found a man of solid character, not to mention who is kind to old ladies. My mother would be pleased!
Friday, August 14, 2009
someone else's waxing experience!
I don't have a clue as to who wrote this, but....WHAT A HOOT
All hair removal methods have tricked women with their promises of easy, painless removal - The Epilady, scissors, razors, Nair and now...the wax. Read on.........
My night began as any other normal weeknight. Come home, fix dinner, and play with the kids. I then had the thought that would ring painfully in my mind for the next few hours: 'Maybe I should pull the waxing kit out of the medicine cabinet.'
So I headed to the site of my demise: the bathroom. It was one of those 'cold wax' kits. No melting a clump of hot wax, you just rub the strips together in your hand, they get warm and you peel them apart and press them to your leg (or wherever else) and you pull the hair right off. No muss, no fuss. How hard can it be? I mean, I'm not a genius, but I am mechanically inclined enough to figure this out. (YA THINK!?!)
So I pull one of the thin strips out. Its two strips facing each other stuck together. Instead of rubbing them together, my genius kicks in so I get out the hair dryer and heat it to 1000 degrees. ('Cold wax,' yeah...right!) I lay the strip across my thigh. Hold the skin around it tight and pull. It works!
OK, so it wasn't the best feeling, but it wasn't too bad. I can do this! Hair removal no longer eludes me!
I am She-rah, fighter of all wayward body hair and maker of smooth skin extraordinaire.
With my next wax strip I move north. After checking on the kids, I sneak back into the bathroom, for the ultimate hair fighting championship. I drop my panties and place one foot on the toilet.
Using the same procedure, I apply the wax strip across the right side of my bikini line, covering the right half of my hoo-ha and stretching down to the inside of my butt cheek (it was a long strip) I inhale deeply and brace myself....RRRRIIIPPP!!!!
I'm blind!!! Blinded from pain!!!!....OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!!!
Vision returning, I notice that I've only managed to pull off half the strip. CRAP!
Another deep breath and RIPP! Everything is spinning and spotted.
I think I may pass out...must stay conscious...must stay conscious. Do I hear crashing drums??? Breathe, breathe...OK, back to normal.
I want to see my trophy - a wax covered strip, the one that has caused me so much pain, with my hairy pelt sticking to it. I want to revel in the glory that is my triumph over body hair. I hold up the strip!
There's no hair on it.
Where is the hair???
Slowly I ease my head down, foot still perched on the toilet. I see the hair. The hair that should be on the's not! I touch.
I am touching wax. I run my fingers over the most sensitive part of my body, which is now covered in cold wax and matted hair. Then I make the next BIG mistake...remember my foot is still propped upon the toilet? I know I need to do something. So I put my foot down.
Sealed shut! My butt is sealed shut. Sealed shut!
I penguin walk around the bathroom trying to figure out what to do and think to myself 'Please don't let me get the urge to poop. My head may pop off!' What can I do to melt the wax?
Hot water!! Hot water melts wax!! I'll run the hottest water I can stand, into the bathtub, get in, immerse the wax-covered bits and the wax should melt and I can gently wipe it off, right???
I get in the tub - the water is slightly hotter than that used to torture prisoners of war or sterilize surgical equipment - I sit.
Now, the only thing worse than having your nether regions glued together, is having them glued together and then glued to the bottom of the scalding hot water. Which, by the way, doesn't melt cold wax.
So, now I'm stuck to the bottom of the tub as though I had cemented myself to the porcelain!! God bless the man who had convinced me a few months ago to have a phone put in the bathroom!!!!!
I call my friend, thinking surely she has waxed before and has some secret of how to get me undone. It's a very good conversation starter.
'So, my butt and hoo-ha are glued together to the bottom of the tub!'
There is a slight pause. She doesn't know any secret tricks for removal but she does try to hide her laughter from me.
She wants to know exactly where the wax is located,’ Are we talking cheeks or hole or hoo-ha?'
She's laughing out loud by now...I can hear her. I give her the rundown and she suggests I call the number on the side of the box.
YEAH!!!!! Right!! I should be the joke of someone else's night.
While we go through various solutions. I resort to trying to scrape the wax off with a razor. Nothing feels better than to have your girlie goodies covered in hot wax, glued shut, stuck to the tub in super hot water and then dry-shaving the sticky wax off!! By now the brain is not working, dignity has taken a major hike and I'm pretty sure I’m going to need post-Traumatic Stress counselling for this event.
My friend is still talking with me when I finally see my saving grace....the lotion they give you to remove the excess wax.
What do I really have to lose at this point? I rub some on and OH MY GOD!!!!!!! The scream probably woke the kids and scared the dickens out of my friend. It's sooo painful, but I really don't care. 'IT WORKS!!
It works !!' I get a hearty congratulation from my friend and she hangs up. I successfully remove the remainder of the wax and then notice to my grief and despair....THE HAIR IS STILL THERE.......ALL OF IT! So I recklessly shave it off.
Heck, I'm numb by now. Nothing hurts. I could have amputated my own leg at this point.
Next week I'm going to try hair colour... ¶
All hair removal methods have tricked women with their promises of easy, painless removal - The Epilady, scissors, razors, Nair and now...the wax. Read on.........
My night began as any other normal weeknight. Come home, fix dinner, and play with the kids. I then had the thought that would ring painfully in my mind for the next few hours: 'Maybe I should pull the waxing kit out of the medicine cabinet.'
So I headed to the site of my demise: the bathroom. It was one of those 'cold wax' kits. No melting a clump of hot wax, you just rub the strips together in your hand, they get warm and you peel them apart and press them to your leg (or wherever else) and you pull the hair right off. No muss, no fuss. How hard can it be? I mean, I'm not a genius, but I am mechanically inclined enough to figure this out. (YA THINK!?!)
So I pull one of the thin strips out. Its two strips facing each other stuck together. Instead of rubbing them together, my genius kicks in so I get out the hair dryer and heat it to 1000 degrees. ('Cold wax,' yeah...right!) I lay the strip across my thigh. Hold the skin around it tight and pull. It works!
OK, so it wasn't the best feeling, but it wasn't too bad. I can do this! Hair removal no longer eludes me!
I am She-rah, fighter of all wayward body hair and maker of smooth skin extraordinaire.
With my next wax strip I move north. After checking on the kids, I sneak back into the bathroom, for the ultimate hair fighting championship. I drop my panties and place one foot on the toilet.
Using the same procedure, I apply the wax strip across the right side of my bikini line, covering the right half of my hoo-ha and stretching down to the inside of my butt cheek (it was a long strip) I inhale deeply and brace myself....RRRRIIIPPP!!!!
I'm blind!!! Blinded from pain!!!!....OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!!!
Vision returning, I notice that I've only managed to pull off half the strip. CRAP!
Another deep breath and RIPP! Everything is spinning and spotted.
I think I may pass out...must stay conscious...must stay conscious. Do I hear crashing drums??? Breathe, breathe...OK, back to normal.
I want to see my trophy - a wax covered strip, the one that has caused me so much pain, with my hairy pelt sticking to it. I want to revel in the glory that is my triumph over body hair. I hold up the strip!
There's no hair on it.
Where is the hair???
Slowly I ease my head down, foot still perched on the toilet. I see the hair. The hair that should be on the's not! I touch.
I am touching wax. I run my fingers over the most sensitive part of my body, which is now covered in cold wax and matted hair. Then I make the next BIG mistake...remember my foot is still propped upon the toilet? I know I need to do something. So I put my foot down.
Sealed shut! My butt is sealed shut. Sealed shut!
I penguin walk around the bathroom trying to figure out what to do and think to myself 'Please don't let me get the urge to poop. My head may pop off!' What can I do to melt the wax?
Hot water!! Hot water melts wax!! I'll run the hottest water I can stand, into the bathtub, get in, immerse the wax-covered bits and the wax should melt and I can gently wipe it off, right???
I get in the tub - the water is slightly hotter than that used to torture prisoners of war or sterilize surgical equipment - I sit.
Now, the only thing worse than having your nether regions glued together, is having them glued together and then glued to the bottom of the scalding hot water. Which, by the way, doesn't melt cold wax.
So, now I'm stuck to the bottom of the tub as though I had cemented myself to the porcelain!! God bless the man who had convinced me a few months ago to have a phone put in the bathroom!!!!!
I call my friend, thinking surely she has waxed before and has some secret of how to get me undone. It's a very good conversation starter.
'So, my butt and hoo-ha are glued together to the bottom of the tub!'
There is a slight pause. She doesn't know any secret tricks for removal but she does try to hide her laughter from me.
She wants to know exactly where the wax is located,’ Are we talking cheeks or hole or hoo-ha?'
She's laughing out loud by now...I can hear her. I give her the rundown and she suggests I call the number on the side of the box.
YEAH!!!!! Right!! I should be the joke of someone else's night.
While we go through various solutions. I resort to trying to scrape the wax off with a razor. Nothing feels better than to have your girlie goodies covered in hot wax, glued shut, stuck to the tub in super hot water and then dry-shaving the sticky wax off!! By now the brain is not working, dignity has taken a major hike and I'm pretty sure I’m going to need post-Traumatic Stress counselling for this event.
My friend is still talking with me when I finally see my saving grace....the lotion they give you to remove the excess wax.
What do I really have to lose at this point? I rub some on and OH MY GOD!!!!!!! The scream probably woke the kids and scared the dickens out of my friend. It's sooo painful, but I really don't care. 'IT WORKS!!
It works !!' I get a hearty congratulation from my friend and she hangs up. I successfully remove the remainder of the wax and then notice to my grief and despair....THE HAIR IS STILL THERE.......ALL OF IT! So I recklessly shave it off.
Heck, I'm numb by now. Nothing hurts. I could have amputated my own leg at this point.
Next week I'm going to try hair colour... ¶
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Sheep or people?
It always happens. Everytime I park, or am at a sale, or in fact anywhere, I try to stay away from the crowd. Without fail, they follow. It is as if they can't bear to be on their own, or perhaps that they can't bear to see someone not being engulfed by the madd(en)ing crowd.
If I find a few empty parking spaces even if they are far away from the shops, I park there simply because even having cars next to mine kinda makes me feel a bit claustrophobic. There can be rows and rows of empty spots, but five'll get you ten everytime if you bet that all the cars will be grouped around mine when I come out. Why?
Again, at sales - be it the Exclusive sale that is on, or the Edgars sale, or any other kind of sale, I always start away from the others so that I don't have to elbow my way through, or be elbowed. I like to take my time, and think about things. Everytime they see me, they quickly come over and start grabbing stuff around me inc ase I will get something better than they have over there. So I move to where they were, and the chase begins. They simply can't let me stay on my own, and it makes me crazy.
It is for this very reason that I don't do sales anymore.
People with that "group" mentality really suck. LEAVE ME ALONE already...
If I find a few empty parking spaces even if they are far away from the shops, I park there simply because even having cars next to mine kinda makes me feel a bit claustrophobic. There can be rows and rows of empty spots, but five'll get you ten everytime if you bet that all the cars will be grouped around mine when I come out. Why?
Again, at sales - be it the Exclusive sale that is on, or the Edgars sale, or any other kind of sale, I always start away from the others so that I don't have to elbow my way through, or be elbowed. I like to take my time, and think about things. Everytime they see me, they quickly come over and start grabbing stuff around me inc ase I will get something better than they have over there. So I move to where they were, and the chase begins. They simply can't let me stay on my own, and it makes me crazy.
It is for this very reason that I don't do sales anymore.
People with that "group" mentality really suck. LEAVE ME ALONE already...
Friday, July 10, 2009
food versus cell phones
I was stopped by a very paraat traffic officer the other day for holding my cell phone and my steering wheel in the same hand - I was speaking on speaker, as I had left my walk and talk at home. He motioned for me wind down my window and shouted at me that he wanted to fine me so I should pull over.
I asked politely why? I said I was using the speaker and was not holding the phone to my ear. He was adamant that "one person may not hold their cell phone whilst driving their vehicle".
We waited at the robot to turn, and he didn't want to wait, so just shook his finger at me and drive off.
But here's the question - I have never been stopped by a cop for eating food, or drinking a can of Coke, etc. And yes, they have seen me do it often. I have even gone through road blocks eating while driving.
go figure...
I asked politely why? I said I was using the speaker and was not holding the phone to my ear. He was adamant that "one person may not hold their cell phone whilst driving their vehicle".
We waited at the robot to turn, and he didn't want to wait, so just shook his finger at me and drive off.
But here's the question - I have never been stopped by a cop for eating food, or drinking a can of Coke, etc. And yes, they have seen me do it often. I have even gone through road blocks eating while driving.
go figure...
Friday, June 05, 2009
Taxis and no brains take away commuter's rights to choose
The fucking taxis have really done it this time...
I seriously can't even believe it...
I seriously can't even believe it...
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Marmite or Bovril?
This evening as I was riding home, I decided to stop in at the shops to get one or two things for dinner.
The Woolies near me makes the best crispy roles, and I suddenly felt like roles with cheese and Bovril. Roles - check. Cheese - check. Bovril? Nope. Only about 10 million disgusting bottles of Marmite...
As they say in Malaysia: "how can?" I was devastated. How can the manager allow such a travesty? :(
The Woolies near me makes the best crispy roles, and I suddenly felt like roles with cheese and Bovril. Roles - check. Cheese - check. Bovril? Nope. Only about 10 million disgusting bottles of Marmite...
As they say in Malaysia: "how can?" I was devastated. How can the manager allow such a travesty? :(
Movie Review – Star Trek (2009)
I went to see Star Trek last night, and I have to say it was an ABSOLUTELY AMAZING movie. It lived up to all expectations, and was lots and lots of fun.
As you may expect, it was action-packed, had lots of special effects, had the usual suspects in terms of the names you know (although much younger so it was not the original cast), but it also had links back to original series which only aficionados would catch. You see a lot of things revisited such as the Kobiyashi Maru test (spelling), one or two of Spock’s famous lines referring back to when he lost his memory which is ironically used, and a few other little things that will amuse you. It also has a very clever twist making it not the usual prequel.
The casting is particularly good, with Bones being particularly well cast in my opinion. He must have studied the mannerisms and speech affectations and intonations a lot in order to match it so well, and Spock is also very well cast in terms of looks. Jim is perhaps the least well cast in my opinion, but you can see why based on the “new” turn of events that occurs. If you watch the movie you will understand what I mean.
Having said all that, for those who are not Trekkies, this movie will also engross and thrill, having a particularly bad guy, lots of fights, and some spectacular special effects. Not like in the original TV series where you can see the fishing line holding up the monsters, this movie is great, and I highly recommend it to everyone.
Oh, and I forgot the most important thing - a cameo by the original Spock himself. WOOHOO!
As you may expect, it was action-packed, had lots of special effects, had the usual suspects in terms of the names you know (although much younger so it was not the original cast), but it also had links back to original series which only aficionados would catch. You see a lot of things revisited such as the Kobiyashi Maru test (spelling), one or two of Spock’s famous lines referring back to when he lost his memory which is ironically used, and a few other little things that will amuse you. It also has a very clever twist making it not the usual prequel.
The casting is particularly good, with Bones being particularly well cast in my opinion. He must have studied the mannerisms and speech affectations and intonations a lot in order to match it so well, and Spock is also very well cast in terms of looks. Jim is perhaps the least well cast in my opinion, but you can see why based on the “new” turn of events that occurs. If you watch the movie you will understand what I mean.
Having said all that, for those who are not Trekkies, this movie will also engross and thrill, having a particularly bad guy, lots of fights, and some spectacular special effects. Not like in the original TV series where you can see the fishing line holding up the monsters, this movie is great, and I highly recommend it to everyone.
Oh, and I forgot the most important thing - a cameo by the original Spock himself. WOOHOO!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Africa is not for sissies
slowly the wheel is turning...
slowly the wheel is turning...
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Canopy Tour
I have just recently got back from an 8 day bike trip down to the Tsitsikamma forest. All in all, we rode about 4 113 kilometres all in.
It was freezing in the moutnain passes, and even with a spencer, a long sleeve t-shirt, a fleece, by jacket inner, the jacket and a rain suit; I was cold. At one stage I was so cold that I could not apply the brakes to stop with the rest of the group. My hands just didn't work they were so cold.
I will write a longer spiel later, but here are some of the photos:

It was freezing in the moutnain passes, and even with a spencer, a long sleeve t-shirt, a fleece, by jacket inner, the jacket and a rain suit; I was cold. At one stage I was so cold that I could not apply the brakes to stop with the rest of the group. My hands just didn't work they were so cold.
I will write a longer spiel later, but here are some of the photos:

Friday, April 17, 2009
Bumper stickers
Today I saw a bumper sticker that read: "Real men follow Jesus". I began to mull this over in my mind.
Where are the bumper stickers that read: "Real men don't abuse women"?????
Where are the bumper stickers that read: "Real men don't abuse women"?????
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
They can dish it out, but they can't take it
Stupid telehone sales people...
I always try to be polite to them - after all, they are only doing their job. But today I got a call from YET another cell phone person wanting to sell me another contract for whatever freephone is the latest thing. He asked me if I was the contract holder. I said "It depends. Why are you asking?" The response was about 10 seconds of silence, then he hung up.
I always try to be polite to them - after all, they are only doing their job. But today I got a call from YET another cell phone person wanting to sell me another contract for whatever freephone is the latest thing. He asked me if I was the contract holder. I said "It depends. Why are you asking?" The response was about 10 seconds of silence, then he hung up.
I got my bike on the 20th of December 2008. offially read something like 12 kms. Today, on the way to a client meeting I clicked over 4000. Not bad for 3 months and 10 days!!!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
another weekend ride with small furry animals
Today I went for a ride out to Harties with a friend.
We started at Linex Yamaha as the meeting place. There were originally going to be 5 of us on the ride, but one bailed due the weather channel saying it was going to rain today and the other two said they had gone on a long ride the day before, so weren't going to make it.
So just the two of us set off along the R512. We went over the dam, and round to the tunnel, where we stopped at Catalinos for breakfast. While we were riding over the dam wall, a brown heron type of bird almost flew into me. I am glad I didn't hit it.
I had the Bambino breakfast which is one fried egg, two rashers of bacon, a piece of toast, and a grilled tomato. My friend had a pizza. The food was great. While we were sitting minding our own business, as one does, I saw either a large mouse or a small rat tun across the floor towards the kitchen!!! OMG!!! Then I looked outside and noticed that there were at least 20 chickens running around in the parking lot. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. We could also hear the monkeys from across the road screaming. Quite an experience I have to say.
It is a very popular place with bikers and there must have been 25 bikes in the parking lot. They were very beautiful, but I still preferr mine. :)
It is also interesting to note that we saw many many bikers on the run, but hardly any waved or nodded back.
After that we went back the long way to Linex and looked at the new 2009 R1. Very nice, but it costs about 189k.
We started at Linex Yamaha as the meeting place. There were originally going to be 5 of us on the ride, but one bailed due the weather channel saying it was going to rain today and the other two said they had gone on a long ride the day before, so weren't going to make it.
So just the two of us set off along the R512. We went over the dam, and round to the tunnel, where we stopped at Catalinos for breakfast. While we were riding over the dam wall, a brown heron type of bird almost flew into me. I am glad I didn't hit it.
I had the Bambino breakfast which is one fried egg, two rashers of bacon, a piece of toast, and a grilled tomato. My friend had a pizza. The food was great. While we were sitting minding our own business, as one does, I saw either a large mouse or a small rat tun across the floor towards the kitchen!!! OMG!!! Then I looked outside and noticed that there were at least 20 chickens running around in the parking lot. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. We could also hear the monkeys from across the road screaming. Quite an experience I have to say.
It is a very popular place with bikers and there must have been 25 bikes in the parking lot. They were very beautiful, but I still preferr mine. :)
It is also interesting to note that we saw many many bikers on the run, but hardly any waved or nodded back.
After that we went back the long way to Linex and looked at the new 2009 R1. Very nice, but it costs about 189k.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
'Crime does pay'
'Crime does pay',,2-2127-2128_2482960,00.html
10/03/2009 14:07 - (SA)
Adrian C, News24 User
I am writing this letter to all South Africans, especially those who feel they work really hard and do not achieve the financial goals they set for themselves.
Fellow citizens, take heart! I have found the answer for your worries. And the best of all: it is easy and it works! It can be summarised in one easy phrase: "Crime does pay".
Let me explain this statement at the hand of a little example. My wife was the victim of a smash-and-grab a few weeks ago. A pretend-beggar walked between the cars at the off ramp, asking for money and when the light turned green he smashed the window, put half his body into the car and grabbed the handbag.
After this, my traumatised pregnant wife did everything right: she drove off, we immediately cancelled all bank cards, opened a case at the SAPS, had the window fixed and got a temporary driver's licence.
It is funny how I always felt sorry for the beggars at intersections and even sometimes gave them money or food. My initial reaction, after the relief that my wife was OK, was that I felt sorry for this poor guy that he had to steal to make a living, and I hoped that he would be able to buy some food or whatever else he desperately needed with the cash that was in my wife's handbag.
Smart crooks
But these guys are much smarter than us. We always thought we had to work to make a living. He already knew the secret that I am about to share, namely that crime does pay.
In the days following the incident, we have received dozens of phone calls from the banks regarding the thousands of rands that have been spent on all the credit cards at dozens of stores all over the city.
These guys know what everybody should know, namely that the banks do not take the small effort to "hot list" a credit card when you take the effort of phoning them to cancel your cards.
Consequently, whoever has the card in his or her possession, can continue indefinitely to make purchases using the card, as long as the purchases remain a few hundred rands each, because nobody ever checks the signatures on the back of the cards, and the shops only check whether the card is stolen if the sale is higher than some floor limit.
Therefore, I encourage people to use this knowledge to their own gain. The banks, which were supposed to "hot list" the stolen cards, do not lose a cent through this, as they would simply not pay the shops for any purchases made with the stolen cards.
'Crime pays'
The consumer loses because shops increase stock prices to make up for these losses. The criminals (which seem to be including the banks) win again, and crime definitely does pay.
Everybody should supposed to know how easy it is to make crime also work for them. Maybe if everybody knew that the banks are the best assistants that violent criminals could ever find, there will be enough collective pressure on them to clean up their act and take the small effort of "hot listing" cards that are reported as stolen.
But for now, crime still pays.
I sometimes feel incredibly bad for people who are obviously worse off than me, but when you hear about this sort of thing, then what do you do.
I feel sick and bad that people who genuienly want a sandwich because they are starving will now have to pay the price for those fuckers who abuse the situation.
I don't know how to proceed. Some days I still give, and some days I don't. I just hope I have the discernment to get it right most of the time...,,2-2127-2128_2482960,00.html
10/03/2009 14:07 - (SA)
Adrian C, News24 User
I am writing this letter to all South Africans, especially those who feel they work really hard and do not achieve the financial goals they set for themselves.
Fellow citizens, take heart! I have found the answer for your worries. And the best of all: it is easy and it works! It can be summarised in one easy phrase: "Crime does pay".
Let me explain this statement at the hand of a little example. My wife was the victim of a smash-and-grab a few weeks ago. A pretend-beggar walked between the cars at the off ramp, asking for money and when the light turned green he smashed the window, put half his body into the car and grabbed the handbag.
After this, my traumatised pregnant wife did everything right: she drove off, we immediately cancelled all bank cards, opened a case at the SAPS, had the window fixed and got a temporary driver's licence.
It is funny how I always felt sorry for the beggars at intersections and even sometimes gave them money or food. My initial reaction, after the relief that my wife was OK, was that I felt sorry for this poor guy that he had to steal to make a living, and I hoped that he would be able to buy some food or whatever else he desperately needed with the cash that was in my wife's handbag.
Smart crooks
But these guys are much smarter than us. We always thought we had to work to make a living. He already knew the secret that I am about to share, namely that crime does pay.
In the days following the incident, we have received dozens of phone calls from the banks regarding the thousands of rands that have been spent on all the credit cards at dozens of stores all over the city.
These guys know what everybody should know, namely that the banks do not take the small effort to "hot list" a credit card when you take the effort of phoning them to cancel your cards.
Consequently, whoever has the card in his or her possession, can continue indefinitely to make purchases using the card, as long as the purchases remain a few hundred rands each, because nobody ever checks the signatures on the back of the cards, and the shops only check whether the card is stolen if the sale is higher than some floor limit.
Therefore, I encourage people to use this knowledge to their own gain. The banks, which were supposed to "hot list" the stolen cards, do not lose a cent through this, as they would simply not pay the shops for any purchases made with the stolen cards.
'Crime pays'
The consumer loses because shops increase stock prices to make up for these losses. The criminals (which seem to be including the banks) win again, and crime definitely does pay.
Everybody should supposed to know how easy it is to make crime also work for them. Maybe if everybody knew that the banks are the best assistants that violent criminals could ever find, there will be enough collective pressure on them to clean up their act and take the small effort of "hot listing" cards that are reported as stolen.
But for now, crime still pays.
I sometimes feel incredibly bad for people who are obviously worse off than me, but when you hear about this sort of thing, then what do you do.
I feel sick and bad that people who genuienly want a sandwich because they are starving will now have to pay the price for those fuckers who abuse the situation.
I don't know how to proceed. Some days I still give, and some days I don't. I just hope I have the discernment to get it right most of the time...
Breakthrough in HIV protection
Breakthrough in HIV protection,,2-7-659_2466833,00.html
09/02/2009 16:19 - (SA)
Chatsworth - A world-wide study has found that a new vaginal product, the Pro2000, has a 30% effect on HIV in women, the Medical Research Council (MRC) said in Durban on Monday.
"For the first time since the epidemic we are seeing something that would provide an option for women to prevent infection," principal investigator Professor Gita Ramjee told journalists at the council's branch in Chatsworth.
The results of the study were also presented at an international meeting in Montreal, Canada on Monday.
The study, involving 3 099 women, was conducted between February 2005 and September 2008 in Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the United States.
Ramjee said two products were tested - the Pro2000 and BufferGel.
Number of infections
During the course of the study, 194 infections occurred - 36 infections among women using Pro2000 gel, 54 infections occurred among women using the BufferGel, 51 infections occurred among participants who used the placebo gel, while 53 infections occurred among participants who used no gel.
Pro2000 was found to have a 30% effect against HIV, she said.
"... however additional evidence is needed to conclusively determine whether Pro2000 is an effective microbicide... This product has to be proven by another trial," she said.
Microbicides are substances designed to prevent or reduce the sexual transmission of HIV or other sexually transmitted infections.
"Once approved, it would be taken forward..."
A glimmer of hope
Ramjee said the outcome of the study showed there was hope.
"After working for over a decade in microbicide research, we are seeing a glimmer of hope of finding a safe and effective microbicide which could protect women and substantially reduce new HIV infections here in South Africa and globally."
Although no microbicides are approved or available for use, an effective product could provide women with an HIV prevention method which they can initiate, she said.
"This would be particularly helpful in situations where it is difficult or impossible for women to negotiate condom use with their male partners..."
Women account for half of the 33 million people living with HIV/Aids world-wide.
In sub-Saharan Africa, women account for 60% of all infected adults.
In several southern African countries, young women between the age of 15 and 24 are at least three times more likely than their male peers to be infected with HIV.
- SAPA,,2-7-659_2466833,00.html
09/02/2009 16:19 - (SA)
Chatsworth - A world-wide study has found that a new vaginal product, the Pro2000, has a 30% effect on HIV in women, the Medical Research Council (MRC) said in Durban on Monday.
"For the first time since the epidemic we are seeing something that would provide an option for women to prevent infection," principal investigator Professor Gita Ramjee told journalists at the council's branch in Chatsworth.
The results of the study were also presented at an international meeting in Montreal, Canada on Monday.
The study, involving 3 099 women, was conducted between February 2005 and September 2008 in Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the United States.
Ramjee said two products were tested - the Pro2000 and BufferGel.
Number of infections
During the course of the study, 194 infections occurred - 36 infections among women using Pro2000 gel, 54 infections occurred among women using the BufferGel, 51 infections occurred among participants who used the placebo gel, while 53 infections occurred among participants who used no gel.
Pro2000 was found to have a 30% effect against HIV, she said.
"... however additional evidence is needed to conclusively determine whether Pro2000 is an effective microbicide... This product has to be proven by another trial," she said.
Microbicides are substances designed to prevent or reduce the sexual transmission of HIV or other sexually transmitted infections.
"Once approved, it would be taken forward..."
A glimmer of hope
Ramjee said the outcome of the study showed there was hope.
"After working for over a decade in microbicide research, we are seeing a glimmer of hope of finding a safe and effective microbicide which could protect women and substantially reduce new HIV infections here in South Africa and globally."
Although no microbicides are approved or available for use, an effective product could provide women with an HIV prevention method which they can initiate, she said.
"This would be particularly helpful in situations where it is difficult or impossible for women to negotiate condom use with their male partners..."
Women account for half of the 33 million people living with HIV/Aids world-wide.
In sub-Saharan Africa, women account for 60% of all infected adults.
In several southern African countries, young women between the age of 15 and 24 are at least three times more likely than their male peers to be infected with HIV.
It's about damn time...,,2-7-1442_2482399,00.html
No more fine option for some
Johannesburg - Motorists caught committing certain traffic offences in Johannesburg would be arrested on the spot rather than fined, the city's metro police said on Monday.
"This occurrence of antisocial driving behaviour has resulted in a number of accidents with a number of lives being lost," said Chief Superintendent Wayne Minnaar.
"Fines are not deterring motorists from bad behaviour on the roads, they are still insulting the law by being reckless.
"The plan has already been put into action. Just today (Monday), we arrested seven taxi drivers for offences in Hall Street, in the CBD."
Arrests would occur if motorists were caught skipping red traffic lights, driving facing oncoming traffic, passing on the shoulder lanes, using emergency lanes and disregarding pedestrians.
If caught committing these offences, the motorist would be arrested, taken to jail and would then have to appear in court.
He said that 120 metro police officers were deployed for this operation at 40 hot spots.
"Beware, if you don't adhere to the rules of the road, you will be in handcuffs," Minnaar said.
Oops - I better watch out...
No more fine option for some
Johannesburg - Motorists caught committing certain traffic offences in Johannesburg would be arrested on the spot rather than fined, the city's metro police said on Monday.
"This occurrence of antisocial driving behaviour has resulted in a number of accidents with a number of lives being lost," said Chief Superintendent Wayne Minnaar.
"Fines are not deterring motorists from bad behaviour on the roads, they are still insulting the law by being reckless.
"The plan has already been put into action. Just today (Monday), we arrested seven taxi drivers for offences in Hall Street, in the CBD."
Arrests would occur if motorists were caught skipping red traffic lights, driving facing oncoming traffic, passing on the shoulder lanes, using emergency lanes and disregarding pedestrians.
If caught committing these offences, the motorist would be arrested, taken to jail and would then have to appear in court.
He said that 120 metro police officers were deployed for this operation at 40 hot spots.
"Beware, if you don't adhere to the rules of the road, you will be in handcuffs," Minnaar said.
Oops - I better watch out...
Friday, March 06, 2009
Today I had my pins out...
I went back to the Flora clinic, which from now on will be known as the Flora or perhaps the Mayo Clinic. I am not sure why, but my Dad called it that and it stuck.
THe procedure to remove the pins was much quicker than putting them in, and I felt so much better after the anaesthetic. My hand is also feeling way better than with the pins in it. I think it was definitely time for them to come out.
I have the pins - they are exactly like sewing pins with no heads - just a bit longer. They are the same thickness, and have a sharp end. To date, they cost just under 10K each. After the removal I am sure they will almost double in price, so I am going to keep them as a reminder. Perhaps I will fashion some jewelery out of them.
If and when I do, I will post a pic here.
Now all I have to do is work my finger so the stiffness goes away. :)
THe procedure to remove the pins was much quicker than putting them in, and I felt so much better after the anaesthetic. My hand is also feeling way better than with the pins in it. I think it was definitely time for them to come out.
I have the pins - they are exactly like sewing pins with no heads - just a bit longer. They are the same thickness, and have a sharp end. To date, they cost just under 10K each. After the removal I am sure they will almost double in price, so I am going to keep them as a reminder. Perhaps I will fashion some jewelery out of them.
If and when I do, I will post a pic here.
Now all I have to do is work my finger so the stiffness goes away. :)
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Zoo Biscuits
I remember Zoo biscuits from when i was little. They were the coolest.
I bought a packet the other day, and I have to say I am sad. The colours are not the same, and the animals are not nearly the same.
Of the 12 in the pack, I got 7 squiggly squirrels, 1 dolphin, 1 bear, 2 flying things, and 1 indescribable thing.
What do you suppose it is meant to be?
I bought a packet the other day, and I have to say I am sad. The colours are not the same, and the animals are not nearly the same.
Of the 12 in the pack, I got 7 squiggly squirrels, 1 dolphin, 1 bear, 2 flying things, and 1 indescribable thing.
What do you suppose it is meant to be?
I have several things to say about the rain.
I sleep very well when it rains. So well that I often sleep right through my alarm.
People drive like idiots when it rains.
It takes a lot longer to get home when it rains.
There are often beautiful rainbows after the rain. I love rainbows.
The ground smells great after the rain.
The sky somehow looks prettier after it has rained.
Idiots who can't speak English
Go here: (sorry I can't seem to get it to insert as a link), and see if you can spot the dumb mistake.
The proof is not in the fucking pudding. It never has been, and it never will be. The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof, which may be archaic, but that is the actual saying. Oh, and here's another one: for crying out loud in a bucket. WTF?
I refuse to have my language systematically changed just because some fuckwits can't use apostrophes. They place them at random on words like DVDs and PCs, and can't spell. They can't pronounce words properly, and can't even use idioms. Idiots more like.
And what's up with JC Engelbrecht? "Welcome to de wedder". For Fuck's Sake.
Let's have First language news readers, and reporters, and weathermen.
Bring back Graham Hart, and fuck off all you ignorant people who can't use no English proper. Sic. You make me SICK.
The proof is not in the fucking pudding. It never has been, and it never will be. The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof, which may be archaic, but that is the actual saying. Oh, and here's another one: for crying out loud in a bucket. WTF?
I refuse to have my language systematically changed just because some fuckwits can't use apostrophes. They place them at random on words like DVDs and PCs, and can't spell. They can't pronounce words properly, and can't even use idioms. Idiots more like.
And what's up with JC Engelbrecht? "Welcome to de wedder". For Fuck's Sake.
Let's have First language news readers, and reporters, and weathermen.
Bring back Graham Hart, and fuck off all you ignorant people who can't use no English proper. Sic. You make me SICK.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Damn gadgets...
Well, I tried to add a visitor thingy to show where people are from who visit my blog. And surprise surprise, it is isn't working. how unusual... Not
Monday, March 02, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Posting comments
So I have been trying to post comments on other blogs, and it has not been working. What's up with that? It looks like it is not working. AGAIN...
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Expensive metal
I finally received my medical aid claim just for information for my operation. It is frightening how much a relatively minor operation costs. It was almost 15k to repair my finger with pins.
My Dad made a joke and said that if I didn't have medical aid I would have had to live with a crooked finger for the rest of my life, but it was a true statement. I don't know who can afford that for something that is not life-threatening. I mean, if a person is gonig to die, you sell your house, you sell your car, - you make a plan. But for a finger?
Thank goodness for medical aids.
I think I will keep the two pins and create some jewelery out of them. :D
My Dad made a joke and said that if I didn't have medical aid I would have had to live with a crooked finger for the rest of my life, but it was a true statement. I don't know who can afford that for something that is not life-threatening. I mean, if a person is gonig to die, you sell your house, you sell your car, - you make a plan. But for a finger?
Thank goodness for medical aids.
I think I will keep the two pins and create some jewelery out of them. :D
Bikers and chatting
Over the weekend, I was just about to get onto my bike in a parking lot when a pair pulled up on another bike just next to me. It was a couple that seemed very friendly, so we started chatting. She commented on how lovely she thought my pink butterfly helmet was, and I chatted to her about the patterns on the new Shark helmets, and the 20% off at Skinny's. Her male companion said he knew where her shop was and that they may take a turn past there.
We chatted about lots of things, and when i was about to leave, I asked him if he was going to take her to the shop. He said he would if she would agree to another date. HA HA
I did not realise that I was interrupting a serious spading session!! I hope it all works out for them :)
The thing that I like is that bikers usually will chat to each other, and it is fun to be able to chat to them. I that we have a sort of community and are automatically pre-accepted by other bikers.
Cool like that.
We chatted about lots of things, and when i was about to leave, I asked him if he was going to take her to the shop. He said he would if she would agree to another date. HA HA
I did not realise that I was interrupting a serious spading session!! I hope it all works out for them :)
The thing that I like is that bikers usually will chat to each other, and it is fun to be able to chat to them. I that we have a sort of community and are automatically pre-accepted by other bikers.
Cool like that.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
First “real” ride after finger op
This morning I rode in to work on my bike after 12 days of not riding. I did ride my bike home last night from where it had fallen and had stayed, but it was dark and raining, and there was hardly any traffic so there wasn’t much clutching to be done, and I was tense concentrating hard on the dark, wet road etc.
I got home without incident, and even managed to turn my bike around in the car port without dropping her, ha ha, and then realized my finger and whole hand was sore. More sore than I would have expected in fact. But I took a pain killer, watched the end of The Apprentice, had a lovely hot bath, and went to sleep.
This morning, I weighed the pros and cons of riding versus driving, and took my bike to work. Since it was rush hour, and my hand was already sore to start, on the face of it, it may have seemed like the wrong decision, but it was definitely not. Despite the pain of clutching and clutching and clutching through the traffic on to the highway, then clutching some more while splitting, then clutching and clutching even more off the highway to the office, it only took me 20 minutes from door to door. Not like the just less than two hours of Monday in my car… Yes, my hand is swollen again, it is hot and bruised again, but I think it is ok. It is not what might be called “bad” pain, at least I don’t think so. Time will tell…
As I have said before, I love my car, and would never sell it. But getting to work has a number of things I enjoy now that I have my bike again. Here are, although it is difficult to explain the feeling of riding. Perhaps you can ask a dog why it sticks its head out of a window in a car – same thing really.
> The feel of the wind on my neck is exhilarating
> The feel of the wind that creeps into my helmet on my cheeks is cool
> The pressure of the wind and speed (yes I know Mom) on my body is very freeing
> The feeling of the response of power and thrust as you open the throttle is not easy to explain, but gives me a feeling of freedom and perhaps even power
> The surge of adrenalin when I get off the bike, even still, makes my hands shake a little, and gives a little “high” every time
> The joy of knowing that I am saving time and petrol also makes me happy
In general, I know there are risks, and I may even break my finger and need pins (D’oh) but this is a risk I have accepted, and am applying the safety I know how to, being cautious, and being as courteous as I can on the road. Surely this can only stand me in good stead?
I love my bike. I love riding my bike. I love my bike.
PS - my bike is so full of bird poo that it must weigh an extra 2 kgs! I will wash her this afternoon when I get home.
I got home without incident, and even managed to turn my bike around in the car port without dropping her, ha ha, and then realized my finger and whole hand was sore. More sore than I would have expected in fact. But I took a pain killer, watched the end of The Apprentice, had a lovely hot bath, and went to sleep.
This morning, I weighed the pros and cons of riding versus driving, and took my bike to work. Since it was rush hour, and my hand was already sore to start, on the face of it, it may have seemed like the wrong decision, but it was definitely not. Despite the pain of clutching and clutching and clutching through the traffic on to the highway, then clutching some more while splitting, then clutching and clutching even more off the highway to the office, it only took me 20 minutes from door to door. Not like the just less than two hours of Monday in my car… Yes, my hand is swollen again, it is hot and bruised again, but I think it is ok. It is not what might be called “bad” pain, at least I don’t think so. Time will tell…
As I have said before, I love my car, and would never sell it. But getting to work has a number of things I enjoy now that I have my bike again. Here are, although it is difficult to explain the feeling of riding. Perhaps you can ask a dog why it sticks its head out of a window in a car – same thing really.
> The feel of the wind on my neck is exhilarating
> The feel of the wind that creeps into my helmet on my cheeks is cool
> The pressure of the wind and speed (yes I know Mom) on my body is very freeing
> The feeling of the response of power and thrust as you open the throttle is not easy to explain, but gives me a feeling of freedom and perhaps even power
> The surge of adrenalin when I get off the bike, even still, makes my hands shake a little, and gives a little “high” every time
> The joy of knowing that I am saving time and petrol also makes me happy
In general, I know there are risks, and I may even break my finger and need pins (D’oh) but this is a risk I have accepted, and am applying the safety I know how to, being cautious, and being as courteous as I can on the road. Surely this can only stand me in good stead?
I love my bike. I love riding my bike. I love my bike.
PS - my bike is so full of bird poo that it must weigh an extra 2 kgs! I will wash her this afternoon when I get home.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
First ride after breaking my finger
Today is the 17th of February. I broke my finger on the 5th and it was operated on on the 6th and 2 pins were put in it. I got to ride my bike home today after not riding or driving at all, and it was surprisingly sore to grip the clutch.
The 40kms home was more difficult than I thought it would be because my hand has healed a lot and has not been that sore at all lately. It is also very weak compared to the other one.
I guess it requires a lot of work and time before it will be back to normal. But I am sure it will be as good as new soon. soon...
The 40kms home was more difficult than I thought it would be because my hand has healed a lot and has not been that sore at all lately. It is also very weak compared to the other one.
I guess it requires a lot of work and time before it will be back to normal. But I am sure it will be as good as new soon. soon...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Fitness versus fatness
Today the lifts were out of order at work.
Now in the past, I have walked up 13 floors during a power outage with no problem, but based on today's four flights up stairs, it was a lifetime ago. My legs were burning, my chest was on fire, and I was slightly out of breath. My my. Someone is totally unfit.
In the past 5 years I have lost 40 kilograms which I believe is a tremendous achievement. I have had a slight slip up - in the last 6 months I have put back about 6 kgs, but on the whole, I have kept my weight down, and was relatively fit. For some reason, I stopped going to gym, and have become fat and not fit again.
It is time for swift and decisive action so watch this space...
Now in the past, I have walked up 13 floors during a power outage with no problem, but based on today's four flights up stairs, it was a lifetime ago. My legs were burning, my chest was on fire, and I was slightly out of breath. My my. Someone is totally unfit.
In the past 5 years I have lost 40 kilograms which I believe is a tremendous achievement. I have had a slight slip up - in the last 6 months I have put back about 6 kgs, but on the whole, I have kept my weight down, and was relatively fit. For some reason, I stopped going to gym, and have become fat and not fit again.
It is time for swift and decisive action so watch this space...
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Now my Gadgets have disappeared
I have been fiddling with the settings to get Google Analytics to work, and now I cannot add any more gadgets as they have all disappeared.
That sucks.
That sucks.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Gadgets - a mixed blessing
I added the counter to my blog from the gadets available on the blog template - but it doesn't seem to work.
According to this counter, more than 2 million people have visited my blog in the last 5 years...
I am off to Google analysitcs to see what's actually potting.
Oh dear, I added the tracking data, and the text went all squiffy and large. Hope it is fixed now.
According to this counter, more than 2 million people have visited my blog in the last 5 years...
I am off to Google analysitcs to see what's actually potting.
Oh dear, I added the tracking data, and the text went all squiffy and large. Hope it is fixed now.
Cabin Fever
I used to want to be on my own all the time, away from others, not talking to anyone, and it suited me just fine. That seems like a lifetime away, and I have grown up a lot since then. I have learned that I love people, need people, and really enjoy being around them. I knew this, but really only realized this in the past two weeks.
Last week I was house sitting and working out of an office where no one else was anymore (since we have all moved), and then since I broke my finger I have been unable to ride or drive so I have been working from home this week. I have found that it has been very difficult not speaking to anyone, and not having any chitchat at all.
Quite apart from the feeling that all I have dine in the past week was work since I have been in the same space for6 24 hour periods, (and my house is incredibly small), I have not spoken to another human being apart from briefly here and there on the phone, and I realize that I am sad about that.
I guess I am finally growing up. Rock on!
Last week I was house sitting and working out of an office where no one else was anymore (since we have all moved), and then since I broke my finger I have been unable to ride or drive so I have been working from home this week. I have found that it has been very difficult not speaking to anyone, and not having any chitchat at all.
Quite apart from the feeling that all I have dine in the past week was work since I have been in the same space for6 24 hour periods, (and my house is incredibly small), I have not spoken to another human being apart from briefly here and there on the phone, and I realize that I am sad about that.
I guess I am finally growing up. Rock on!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Caution: Politically incorrect post ahead...
I was reading on a forum I am part of that Mr Zuma (our infamous) president was introduced overseas as "Mr Zuma, and Mrs Zuma, and Mrs Zuma, and Mrs Zuma,..."
Now, last time I checked, bigamy, or indeed polygamy was illegal. Except, and here is where it gets interesting, where it has been a cultural norm for other rules to apply.
Surely this is a slippery slope?
It is usually illegal or immoral to do many things, but if my culture has a history of doing it then it is no longer illegal? WTF?
So if my culture if one of non payment, then it becomes ok not to pay, by law?
If my culture is one of thieving because we have not been taught better, or have no role models who had jobs, it becomes ok by law?
If my culture is to have many wives where the rest of the civilised world only has one, well that's okay too.
If I want to behave illegally by destroying property, intimidating other workers, and even killing or harming other workers during a legal strike (which actions are not legal, even within a legal strike), well, that's ok too.
And if I want to commit crimes of corruption - well that's also ok, because the leaders of my culture showed me that that was the way to do things and it has always been done that way.
How long is the period to decide if it is a cultural norm?
How many people have to do it before it is a "culture"
And what if the president of the ruling party is a criminal, a fool, and a gormless smiling twit who sings machine gun songs from decades ago which have lost their original meaning, inciting the youth to something that was not its original intention? And what if the president decided to bring legal action that went like this: "I have done nothing illegal, but here is an injunction saying you can't prosecute me for anything I may or may not have done", and then he stalls in the courts, causing his millions of savage followers to say that the courts are unfair because he in entitled to a fair and speedy trial?
What if we actually wanted to be a country that was not laughed at by the rest of the world? A country that was actually trying to get out of its third world status? What if the ruling party had no guts and no gumption, and didn't take its leaders to task about illegal doings?
What if the ANC just took its balls in its hand and said: "Jacob Zuma, you are currently involved in a situation where it is yet to be proved that you are innocent. Please step down until the allegations are proved false. Or we will fire your ass."
And what if pigs could fly?
Now, last time I checked, bigamy, or indeed polygamy was illegal. Except, and here is where it gets interesting, where it has been a cultural norm for other rules to apply.
Surely this is a slippery slope?
It is usually illegal or immoral to do many things, but if my culture has a history of doing it then it is no longer illegal? WTF?
So if my culture if one of non payment, then it becomes ok not to pay, by law?
If my culture is one of thieving because we have not been taught better, or have no role models who had jobs, it becomes ok by law?
If my culture is to have many wives where the rest of the civilised world only has one, well that's okay too.
If I want to behave illegally by destroying property, intimidating other workers, and even killing or harming other workers during a legal strike (which actions are not legal, even within a legal strike), well, that's ok too.
And if I want to commit crimes of corruption - well that's also ok, because the leaders of my culture showed me that that was the way to do things and it has always been done that way.
How long is the period to decide if it is a cultural norm?
How many people have to do it before it is a "culture"
And what if the president of the ruling party is a criminal, a fool, and a gormless smiling twit who sings machine gun songs from decades ago which have lost their original meaning, inciting the youth to something that was not its original intention? And what if the president decided to bring legal action that went like this: "I have done nothing illegal, but here is an injunction saying you can't prosecute me for anything I may or may not have done", and then he stalls in the courts, causing his millions of savage followers to say that the courts are unfair because he in entitled to a fair and speedy trial?
What if we actually wanted to be a country that was not laughed at by the rest of the world? A country that was actually trying to get out of its third world status? What if the ruling party had no guts and no gumption, and didn't take its leaders to task about illegal doings?
What if the ANC just took its balls in its hand and said: "Jacob Zuma, you are currently involved in a situation where it is yet to be proved that you are innocent. Please step down until the allegations are proved false. Or we will fire your ass."
And what if pigs could fly?
Monday, February 09, 2009
Two pins in my finger...
I was house sitting in the house with the steep driveway, and on Thursday I arrived with the gate and automatic door opener in my pocket, stopped on the road and opened the gate. The dogs rushed out to say hi, and got between my feet figuratively speaking) and I bailed off my bike. But, I bailed in such a way that I pinned my pinkie between the log edging of the driveway and my throttle. For a moment, I could not move or lift the bike off my finger.
It started to really hurt, and I began to realise that I had to help myself as there was no one else around. I also realised that due to the position of the bike I could not wriggle out from the bike and lift it off my finger, not kick it off me. I was well and truly stuck. The only thing I could do was rip my hand out, leaving my glove behind. It really hurt, but at least I was free.
I then realised that I would be unable to move the bike or lift it due to its position, so I hit the kill switch, and used the garage opener to let myself into the house. I sat down and tried to calm down, but it was so sore that I just cried and cried. I called my Dad to see if I should go to the doctor, but then realised that I would not be able to pick my bike up, never mind riding.
He said he would come fetch me and take me to the doc.
Long story short, he arrived and we went to the Flora clinic where it took the whole day to be seen, have the x-rays, and find out that the finger was completely broken and would need to be pinned under general the next day.
The next day we went back to the hospital, very thirsty, and eventually, they saw me at 12pm. The op lasted 55 minutes, and it was over. My hand is very sore, but is improving every day.
PS - I just noticed the bricks!!!
Here are some pics:
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Strange noises in other people’s houses
I am house sitting for someone, and yesterday I could swear there was someone else in the house with me. Cue twilight zone music...
Even the cat looked at the door expectantly a few times as if there was someone about to walk in with some of the noises. Perhaps there are ghosts living there. He did say the ceiling beams creak and expand, but beams don’t sound like footsteps.
After feeding the three large Alsatians (which I have to say did make me feel better until they started barking at midnight and would not stop) I adjourned to the TV room to watch whatever was on DSTV. I only have free TV so it was a real treat for me. As it turns out, there wasn’t much, and I ended up watching the Apprentice anyway.
Now, there are three very large dogs, and three very small cats (and three gold fish, although I don’t think the gold fish would have done much if there was a burglar) that live there, and the dogs live outside, and the cats generally live wherever they please. Somehow, the female Alsatian – my favourite as it happens - got in the house and came and slept in my room. I must say it made me feel a lot safer, but I still wonder how she got in. I woke up with three cats sleeping on top of me, a dog at my feet, and the two dogs outside my window.
If I think of how nervous I was staying in this huge house where there were spooky noises, I realize I was silly to even think anything was amiss. I do realize though that living in a complex definitely makes me feel safer, and I am not sure if I would stay in a free standing house while I am still living on my own.
The only thing that was a problem is that this morning I woke up with a swollen mouth and lips. I didn’t eat or drink anything strange or unusual, and there doesn’t seem to be any evidence of a bite of any kind. I can only assume that I am allergic to the dogs, the fabric softener this family uses, something in their house, or I went sleep walking and bumped into something. My mouth is not sore, but I am talking funny, and it does look like I have been in a fight.
Just what I always needed – to be a biker chick with a fat lip. Nice.
Even the cat looked at the door expectantly a few times as if there was someone about to walk in with some of the noises. Perhaps there are ghosts living there. He did say the ceiling beams creak and expand, but beams don’t sound like footsteps.
After feeding the three large Alsatians (which I have to say did make me feel better until they started barking at midnight and would not stop) I adjourned to the TV room to watch whatever was on DSTV. I only have free TV so it was a real treat for me. As it turns out, there wasn’t much, and I ended up watching the Apprentice anyway.
Now, there are three very large dogs, and three very small cats (and three gold fish, although I don’t think the gold fish would have done much if there was a burglar) that live there, and the dogs live outside, and the cats generally live wherever they please. Somehow, the female Alsatian – my favourite as it happens - got in the house and came and slept in my room. I must say it made me feel a lot safer, but I still wonder how she got in. I woke up with three cats sleeping on top of me, a dog at my feet, and the two dogs outside my window.
If I think of how nervous I was staying in this huge house where there were spooky noises, I realize I was silly to even think anything was amiss. I do realize though that living in a complex definitely makes me feel safer, and I am not sure if I would stay in a free standing house while I am still living on my own.
The only thing that was a problem is that this morning I woke up with a swollen mouth and lips. I didn’t eat or drink anything strange or unusual, and there doesn’t seem to be any evidence of a bite of any kind. I can only assume that I am allergic to the dogs, the fabric softener this family uses, something in their house, or I went sleep walking and bumped into something. My mouth is not sore, but I am talking funny, and it does look like I have been in a fight.
Just what I always needed – to be a biker chick with a fat lip. Nice.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Street vendors
So yesterday I was in my car again as I had to deliver documents to a client. (I won't go into how sad I was and how much longer it took not being on the bike - that is a story for another time.) I noticed something very funny in front of me.
It would appear that the vendors who sell car cell phone chargers, super glue, caps, and fruit know which the soft targets is, or they just get a kick out of hassling people.
Yesterday, we were all stuck in a long queue of cars waiting for what seemed like an age, creeping slowly down the road towards the traffic light, giving ample time to the sellers to annoy all and sundry when I noticed that the lady in front of me was being harassed by every single seller, and yet I was not being approached by even one.
This is my theory:
I always look grumpy, and or busy, and or frightening, and if one of them makes the mistake of asking me how much his wares cost I either flatly ignore them, or if in a foul mood, I shout that I don't fucking care, and to fuck off and leave me alone.
I used to be all sweet and greet these people, and then I realised that no matter how polite you are, they don't care about anything other than you buying something, and if you are talking, you are a potential customer until you ignore them or be rude. This is unfortunate, but seems to be a fact.
I no longer greet these people, and ignore them as if they don't exist. This makes them ignore me back, which suits me just fine. This brings me back to the lady in front of me. For starters, she had her window open. Rookie mistake number one. If your window is open, you are fair game, and no matter what you say, these guys are going to talk to you and sell you whatever they have, and try to barter with you about the price. Secondly, she was being all sweet and greeting every person, then saying kindly and politely, no thank you, I don't need any pumice stone, any peaches, any cheap sun glasses, a handmade cloth, etc.
Of course, this just eggs them on. If you actually speak to them, this seems to indicate the beginning of a negotiation. I could see her getting more and more angry and shaking her head vigorously at each consecutive person, and could hear her getting louder and louder with each respective request. Eventually, she was almost crying. I was crying, but with laughter.
I think these sellers secretly enjoy winding up the car drivers, and probably take a bet on how many people they can upset in an hour, and try to beat their own totals in a day.
How the hell else are you supposed to keep yourself amused if that is all you have to do all day?
It would appear that the vendors who sell car cell phone chargers, super glue, caps, and fruit know which the soft targets is, or they just get a kick out of hassling people.
Yesterday, we were all stuck in a long queue of cars waiting for what seemed like an age, creeping slowly down the road towards the traffic light, giving ample time to the sellers to annoy all and sundry when I noticed that the lady in front of me was being harassed by every single seller, and yet I was not being approached by even one.
This is my theory:
I always look grumpy, and or busy, and or frightening, and if one of them makes the mistake of asking me how much his wares cost I either flatly ignore them, or if in a foul mood, I shout that I don't fucking care, and to fuck off and leave me alone.
I used to be all sweet and greet these people, and then I realised that no matter how polite you are, they don't care about anything other than you buying something, and if you are talking, you are a potential customer until you ignore them or be rude. This is unfortunate, but seems to be a fact.
I no longer greet these people, and ignore them as if they don't exist. This makes them ignore me back, which suits me just fine. This brings me back to the lady in front of me. For starters, she had her window open. Rookie mistake number one. If your window is open, you are fair game, and no matter what you say, these guys are going to talk to you and sell you whatever they have, and try to barter with you about the price. Secondly, she was being all sweet and greeting every person, then saying kindly and politely, no thank you, I don't need any pumice stone, any peaches, any cheap sun glasses, a handmade cloth, etc.
Of course, this just eggs them on. If you actually speak to them, this seems to indicate the beginning of a negotiation. I could see her getting more and more angry and shaking her head vigorously at each consecutive person, and could hear her getting louder and louder with each respective request. Eventually, she was almost crying. I was crying, but with laughter.
I think these sellers secretly enjoy winding up the car drivers, and probably take a bet on how many people they can upset in an hour, and try to beat their own totals in a day.
How the hell else are you supposed to keep yourself amused if that is all you have to do all day?
My bike was spannered by a (well meaning) spanner
There is a man at my local hardware store who is very helpful, but is not technically very great. I went to the hardware to get a small shifting spanner so that I could tighten my mirrors where they are loose. I needed to adjust them, by just moving them forward untightens them, and so I needed to be able to tighten them myself.
He said the nuts were a 14 and a 15 after we went outside and measured, but then he swapped them around, and used the big one on the small one and stripped the nut. He then proceeded to strip the smaller one as well. So now, I don't know which is the correct size at all. And I have stripped nuts on my left mirror.
I have said it before, and I will say it again. I really would rather do it myself, but men keep offering to help me. One day, perhaps, a man can actually get something right, and do it better than I can.
He said the nuts were a 14 and a 15 after we went outside and measured, but then he swapped them around, and used the big one on the small one and stripped the nut. He then proceeded to strip the smaller one as well. So now, I don't know which is the correct size at all. And I have stripped nuts on my left mirror.
I have said it before, and I will say it again. I really would rather do it myself, but men keep offering to help me. One day, perhaps, a man can actually get something right, and do it better than I can.
Please just LISTEN to me...
I messed with the settings on my DVD player two weeks ago, and consequently, it stopped working. D'oh!
I phoned Stax where I bought it, and spoke to two people who didn't understand what I was talking about. After insisting to speak to other people, I got through to a third person who knew exactly what I had done, and said I just needed to bring it in and he could reset it for me.
Eventually, this morning, I took it there, and this is what happened:
Me: "Good morning. Please can you help me?"
Salesman number 1: "Certainly. What is the problem with this DVD player?"
"Well, I changed the settings on my menu and now I can hear the movies, but can't see them. I called and the person I spoke to said I should bring it in and he could reset it for me."
Salesman number 1 then plugged it in to the nearest TV and could not find a picture.
"Oh, there is no picture."
"Yes, I told you - I messed up the settings."
He then changed from AV 1 to AV 2. Still no picture.
"This is broken, and needs to go for repair."
"No, it is not broken, I told you, and I messed up the settings. I called and spoke to someone who said that I needed to bring it in to have the settings redone."
"Well, I need your remote please"
"I don't have it here, he didn't mention I should have brought it, but I am sure any of yours will work,"
"No, this is a very old DVD player, and none of my remotes will work. Besides, I can’t get a picture, it must be broken.”
No, you are on AV2, and besides, I told you, it was working perfectly well until I changed the settings.”
“Ok then your cable is broken.”
“Um, not really, because you are using your cable and it is still not working.”
“Well, I can’t get a picture either, it must be broken.”
“Sir, with all due respect, you are not listening to me. I changed the settings and it stopped working. It needs to be reset. It is not broken. And if I had brought my remote it would not make a difference because you cannot see the menu on the screen. Please can you call someone else?”
“Ok, please wait.”
He returns with another person.
Salesman number 2: “Hi. We don’t have any remotes that will work on this DVD player, you should have brought yours then I could fix the menu for you.”
“Umm, please can I explain the story to you?”
“It was working fine, but then I changed some of the settings. When I changed it, the picture went away, and I can no longer access the menu. I phoned and spoke to a gentleman who said he knew what I had done and I just needed to bring it in and he would fix it for me.”
“No, he was just going to do your menu thing, which I can’t do as you have not brought your remote.”
“Well, then, let me show you that it won’t work. Bring one of your remotes please.”
“We don’t have any.”
“What about these display DVD machines?”
“No, you must use yours.”
“Ok, let me ask you this – if the man I spoke to was just going to reset it using my remote, why didn’t he just tell me how to do it over the phone?”
“I don’t know, but go home and phone and I will tell you how to do it over the phone.”
“I tell you what, why don’t you write down the instructions for me now instead please?”
Well, I need to know what is on your remote before I can tell you.”
“Ok, most remotes are the same. Bring me a remote and I will tell you which one it looks like.”
“No, it has to be your one.”
“Sir, with all due respect, I don’t think you understand the problem. I cannot fix it using the remote because I cannot see the menu.”
“No, I understand exactly, and you must just change the setting.”
“Please can you call someone else?”
Salesman number 3 overhears me getting louder and louder as this has now taken about half an hour, or it certainly feels like it. He says: “I know what to do – bring me a component cable please.”
He then plugs it into other coloured holes – green and something, not the white, red and yellow that I have, and changes it back to AV1, and voila. There is a picture. He then explains that I have just hosen progressive scan which does probably not work with my old TV – double checking that I don’t have a green plug hole, and then fetches a remote from just one metre away, resets the menu which we can now see, and it is fixed. (PS - my TV is probably 2 years old, and if that is old then I don't know...)
The other two kind of slink off invisibly, and I thank the third man profusely, wondering why the hell he didn’t come and help earlier. He was probably getting his dose of info for HIS daily blog.
It is as I have said before – don’t assume I am stupid and know nothing. LISTEN to what I am saying and assume that I may know what I am talking about.
Generally, I find that women and men are treated equally, and I have no cause ever to decry being a girl and not a boy, especially not at work. But just sometimes, I come across some Neanderthal man who thinks I must be stupid just because I am female. To you Mr Fuckwit, I say, don’t try help me with what you think I need, open your ears and listen. This will lessen both our frustration levels, and prevent GBH to some small-minded git who has not progressed past a third grade education.
Rant off.
I phoned Stax where I bought it, and spoke to two people who didn't understand what I was talking about. After insisting to speak to other people, I got through to a third person who knew exactly what I had done, and said I just needed to bring it in and he could reset it for me.
Eventually, this morning, I took it there, and this is what happened:
Me: "Good morning. Please can you help me?"
Salesman number 1: "Certainly. What is the problem with this DVD player?"
"Well, I changed the settings on my menu and now I can hear the movies, but can't see them. I called and the person I spoke to said I should bring it in and he could reset it for me."
Salesman number 1 then plugged it in to the nearest TV and could not find a picture.
"Oh, there is no picture."
"Yes, I told you - I messed up the settings."
He then changed from AV 1 to AV 2. Still no picture.
"This is broken, and needs to go for repair."
"No, it is not broken, I told you, and I messed up the settings. I called and spoke to someone who said that I needed to bring it in to have the settings redone."
"Well, I need your remote please"
"I don't have it here, he didn't mention I should have brought it, but I am sure any of yours will work,"
"No, this is a very old DVD player, and none of my remotes will work. Besides, I can’t get a picture, it must be broken.”
No, you are on AV2, and besides, I told you, it was working perfectly well until I changed the settings.”
“Ok then your cable is broken.”
“Um, not really, because you are using your cable and it is still not working.”
“Well, I can’t get a picture either, it must be broken.”
“Sir, with all due respect, you are not listening to me. I changed the settings and it stopped working. It needs to be reset. It is not broken. And if I had brought my remote it would not make a difference because you cannot see the menu on the screen. Please can you call someone else?”
“Ok, please wait.”
He returns with another person.
Salesman number 2: “Hi. We don’t have any remotes that will work on this DVD player, you should have brought yours then I could fix the menu for you.”
“Umm, please can I explain the story to you?”
“It was working fine, but then I changed some of the settings. When I changed it, the picture went away, and I can no longer access the menu. I phoned and spoke to a gentleman who said he knew what I had done and I just needed to bring it in and he would fix it for me.”
“No, he was just going to do your menu thing, which I can’t do as you have not brought your remote.”
“Well, then, let me show you that it won’t work. Bring one of your remotes please.”
“We don’t have any.”
“What about these display DVD machines?”
“No, you must use yours.”
“Ok, let me ask you this – if the man I spoke to was just going to reset it using my remote, why didn’t he just tell me how to do it over the phone?”
“I don’t know, but go home and phone and I will tell you how to do it over the phone.”
“I tell you what, why don’t you write down the instructions for me now instead please?”
Well, I need to know what is on your remote before I can tell you.”
“Ok, most remotes are the same. Bring me a remote and I will tell you which one it looks like.”
“No, it has to be your one.”
“Sir, with all due respect, I don’t think you understand the problem. I cannot fix it using the remote because I cannot see the menu.”
“No, I understand exactly, and you must just change the setting.”
“Please can you call someone else?”
Salesman number 3 overhears me getting louder and louder as this has now taken about half an hour, or it certainly feels like it. He says: “I know what to do – bring me a component cable please.”
He then plugs it into other coloured holes – green and something, not the white, red and yellow that I have, and changes it back to AV1, and voila. There is a picture. He then explains that I have just hosen progressive scan which does probably not work with my old TV – double checking that I don’t have a green plug hole, and then fetches a remote from just one metre away, resets the menu which we can now see, and it is fixed. (PS - my TV is probably 2 years old, and if that is old then I don't know...)
The other two kind of slink off invisibly, and I thank the third man profusely, wondering why the hell he didn’t come and help earlier. He was probably getting his dose of info for HIS daily blog.
It is as I have said before – don’t assume I am stupid and know nothing. LISTEN to what I am saying and assume that I may know what I am talking about.
Generally, I find that women and men are treated equally, and I have no cause ever to decry being a girl and not a boy, especially not at work. But just sometimes, I come across some Neanderthal man who thinks I must be stupid just because I am female. To you Mr Fuckwit, I say, don’t try help me with what you think I need, open your ears and listen. This will lessen both our frustration levels, and prevent GBH to some small-minded git who has not progressed past a third grade education.
Rant off.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Bird brain? Not really...
A few days ago, I noticed that there was a Weaver nest starting in a scruffy indigenous bush in my garden.
I need to specify that my garden is a strange mixture of English garden and scruffy indigenous plants. And yes, I planted it like that myself. I started from literally nothing – an empty stand which was built from the ground up, so I can’t even blame anyone. I just sort of changed my mind halfway and am slowly changing the look to indigenous over time.
Anyway, the birds seem to enjoy my garden because I have two scruffy trees for them to build nests in, I have a bird bath, two bird feeders, and two enormous fig trees. I say scruffy, because there really isn’t any other way to describe it. I deliberately let it be scruffy to encourage the scruffy birds to feel at home and come make nests, and they do. And now there is also a pair of Weavers there.
Unfortunately, my cat brought me, as presents you understand, the males of the only three nesting pairs of red-headed quelias. Sad, but true. She likes to sit in the tree above the bird feeders, but has only been successful at catching them when they are on the ground eating the seed that falls out of the feeder.
At the beginning of the week, as I came home, I left my door open to get a breeze inside. A few minutes later I heard a commotion outside – like many birds fighting or yelling. I went to look, and there must have been 10 to 15 little brown jobs sitting on my fence yelling at me that the bird feeder was empty.
Say what you like about birds being stupid. They do know when their food is finished, and they certainly know who feeds them in my garden.
I need to specify that my garden is a strange mixture of English garden and scruffy indigenous plants. And yes, I planted it like that myself. I started from literally nothing – an empty stand which was built from the ground up, so I can’t even blame anyone. I just sort of changed my mind halfway and am slowly changing the look to indigenous over time.
Anyway, the birds seem to enjoy my garden because I have two scruffy trees for them to build nests in, I have a bird bath, two bird feeders, and two enormous fig trees. I say scruffy, because there really isn’t any other way to describe it. I deliberately let it be scruffy to encourage the scruffy birds to feel at home and come make nests, and they do. And now there is also a pair of Weavers there.
Unfortunately, my cat brought me, as presents you understand, the males of the only three nesting pairs of red-headed quelias. Sad, but true. She likes to sit in the tree above the bird feeders, but has only been successful at catching them when they are on the ground eating the seed that falls out of the feeder.
At the beginning of the week, as I came home, I left my door open to get a breeze inside. A few minutes later I heard a commotion outside – like many birds fighting or yelling. I went to look, and there must have been 10 to 15 little brown jobs sitting on my fence yelling at me that the bird feeder was empty.
Say what you like about birds being stupid. They do know when their food is finished, and they certainly know who feeds them in my garden.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Watch out for me man!
Today I had to ride to my office in Northcliff to fetch some documents and clear out the last of the stuff since we had moved offices. I had my panniers on, so I thought I would be fine.
On the way, I was in the middle lane minding my own business, as one does, when I noticed in my rear view mirror, a car swerving in and out of all the cars, generally driving like an idiot. The traffic was backed up, and slow, and there were many trucks and busses as well.
Said cretin was approaching me quickly, and suddenly, the traffic in front of me stopped. Since most of us in my lane had sensible following distances, we all managed to stop with little or no effort. But the cretin apparently didn’t see me. At the last moment, he suddenly swerved (thank goodness I had seen him, and moved across to the right of the lane to give myself, and him, as much room as possible), and poured the Coke he was drinking all over his shirt. He must have missed me by 5 centimetres. I guess it’s true what they say – a miss is as good as a mile, but I would rather not have had it happen at all. I have to admit though, I was laughing at him having poured his Coke all over himself.
Just goes to show. Don’t drink and drive.
On the way, I was in the middle lane minding my own business, as one does, when I noticed in my rear view mirror, a car swerving in and out of all the cars, generally driving like an idiot. The traffic was backed up, and slow, and there were many trucks and busses as well.
Said cretin was approaching me quickly, and suddenly, the traffic in front of me stopped. Since most of us in my lane had sensible following distances, we all managed to stop with little or no effort. But the cretin apparently didn’t see me. At the last moment, he suddenly swerved (thank goodness I had seen him, and moved across to the right of the lane to give myself, and him, as much room as possible), and poured the Coke he was drinking all over his shirt. He must have missed me by 5 centimetres. I guess it’s true what they say – a miss is as good as a mile, but I would rather not have had it happen at all. I have to admit though, I was laughing at him having poured his Coke all over himself.
Just goes to show. Don’t drink and drive.
Monday, January 26, 2009
I cut my hair yesterday
My hair is longer than it has ever been. Or was, until yesterday. It is now short. Ish. It comes to just below my jaw line, and looks pretty fabulous, even if I say so myself.
The only thing I truly, deeply, honestly, and without hesitation, like about myself is my hair. I got my Mom's hair, and for that I am truly thankful. She has beautiful hair and I got it too.
Until I started riding my bike, it was always healthym never knotted, was shiny, full, thick, and generally beautiful. But riding with it sticking out of the helmet, even in a plait, was causing it distress, and it was becoming damaged, split on the ends, and generally not so shiny anymore. It was time to take action.
Not one to sit around, (after all the ghost of granny Siddle has affected us all, and when it is time to do something, it is time, no waiting, no thinking, and no procrastinating) so off I went to the hair place on Sunday, and had it all chopped off.
The guy tried to stop me, adn asked me if I was sure since it was so long, etc, but my mind was made up. As he hacked away with his razor blade, all I could see was 35 plus centimeters of hair falling into huge piles on the floor. momentarily I wondered if I was doing the right thing, but I knew I was. Anyway, no point is stopping now - I would look like a freak. ha ha
When he had finished, there was enough hair on the floor to stuff a small pillow. I certainly have a lot of it.
I love it now, and it fits nicely under my helmet. No more helmet hair for me, I hope.
Pic to be placed later, once I have one, but i am very pleased with the outcome. :)
The only thing I truly, deeply, honestly, and without hesitation, like about myself is my hair. I got my Mom's hair, and for that I am truly thankful. She has beautiful hair and I got it too.
Until I started riding my bike, it was always healthym never knotted, was shiny, full, thick, and generally beautiful. But riding with it sticking out of the helmet, even in a plait, was causing it distress, and it was becoming damaged, split on the ends, and generally not so shiny anymore. It was time to take action.
Not one to sit around, (after all the ghost of granny Siddle has affected us all, and when it is time to do something, it is time, no waiting, no thinking, and no procrastinating) so off I went to the hair place on Sunday, and had it all chopped off.
The guy tried to stop me, adn asked me if I was sure since it was so long, etc, but my mind was made up. As he hacked away with his razor blade, all I could see was 35 plus centimeters of hair falling into huge piles on the floor. momentarily I wondered if I was doing the right thing, but I knew I was. Anyway, no point is stopping now - I would look like a freak. ha ha
When he had finished, there was enough hair on the floor to stuff a small pillow. I certainly have a lot of it.
I love it now, and it fits nicely under my helmet. No more helmet hair for me, I hope.
Pic to be placed later, once I have one, but i am very pleased with the outcome. :)
Friday, January 23, 2009
I love my car but...
Today I went to work in my car. I decided to "treat" myself to heels, a skirt, a fancy hairdo, and makeup. These are luxuries I usually don't indulge in when i ride my bike to work, so they are a real treat. I looked good this morning, and my hair was going to stay like all day. Not like with a helmet - the plait starts out beautiful, but by the time the helmet has gone on and off, and the wind has blown all the bits that stick out all over the show, I end up looking like I stuck my finger in an electrical outlet.
I am considering cutting my hair short again, but can't seem to bring myself to do it. It grows out long in just two years, but even still. I think it would be too sad.
Anyway, back to today, and my car. I have been used to commuting on my bike to work which is in Sandton now. Unfortunately, I have to use the Grayston Offramp which from 6:30 until 9am is shock a block with cars. SO much so that the first day I went there I thought there was an accident causing the delay. It is an incredibly busy intersection. It takes half an hour in rush hour to go the 100m from the highway to the top of the offramp.
I have often wondered why they call it "rush hour" when everyone goes so slowly?
On my bike, it takes me a few minutes to wiggle my way through the cars and get to the top and proceed to work, making my total travel time from door to door about half an hour. in a car it has been as long as 2 hours for the same distance.
If I leave at 9am it still takes me half an hour in the car, and of course, that is way too late to be arriving at work, so what is a girl to do?
I had to go in my car today as I was having a very important client meeting, and had to wear a suit etc, and not look like a biker chick. Plus, the rain came down like the Flood as I had to leave, so to admit, for once, I was actually glad to be in my car, or I would have arrived looking like a drowned rat, and the papers that I had to bring would have been destroyed. My boss - who was running the meeting - would not have been pleased, and we probably would have lost the business. This is unfortunate, as I think it should not really matter what I look like, but whether or not I can do the work, but there it is.
I will say this though, Come rain or shine, I still prefer my bike in the mornings and the evenings to my car. I love my car, and I will never sell her, but nothing beats my bike for the traffic.
I am considering cutting my hair short again, but can't seem to bring myself to do it. It grows out long in just two years, but even still. I think it would be too sad.
Anyway, back to today, and my car. I have been used to commuting on my bike to work which is in Sandton now. Unfortunately, I have to use the Grayston Offramp which from 6:30 until 9am is shock a block with cars. SO much so that the first day I went there I thought there was an accident causing the delay. It is an incredibly busy intersection. It takes half an hour in rush hour to go the 100m from the highway to the top of the offramp.
I have often wondered why they call it "rush hour" when everyone goes so slowly?
On my bike, it takes me a few minutes to wiggle my way through the cars and get to the top and proceed to work, making my total travel time from door to door about half an hour. in a car it has been as long as 2 hours for the same distance.
If I leave at 9am it still takes me half an hour in the car, and of course, that is way too late to be arriving at work, so what is a girl to do?
I had to go in my car today as I was having a very important client meeting, and had to wear a suit etc, and not look like a biker chick. Plus, the rain came down like the Flood as I had to leave, so to admit, for once, I was actually glad to be in my car, or I would have arrived looking like a drowned rat, and the papers that I had to bring would have been destroyed. My boss - who was running the meeting - would not have been pleased, and we probably would have lost the business. This is unfortunate, as I think it should not really matter what I look like, but whether or not I can do the work, but there it is.
I will say this though, Come rain or shine, I still prefer my bike in the mornings and the evenings to my car. I love my car, and I will never sell her, but nothing beats my bike for the traffic.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
5 items or less check out queue
I was buying lunch in the Woolies just across from my office - the usual, a pepper steak pie for my boss and a cornish pastie for me, and I have also bought a few vegies in my basket, and headed to the basket queue. (I often give my boss carrots... but that is another story for anotehr time :)) I was wearing my biker gear, and carrying my helmet.
This particular Woolies has a basket queue and a trolley queue. It seems though, that not everyone sees the bakset queue as most people with only a few items still go to the basket queue. Which is fine. Whatever.
As I was standing in the queue, I noticed, for the first time, a sign that said - "5 items or less", and of course, I read it out loud - a quirk I have. The man in front of me replied "yes, they have a buzzer that will go off if you have more than 5 you know!: and smiled. To which I said: "well, I have seven. I hope they don't throw me out...". He laughed and commented: "Ja, it's those bikers you know - always causing trouble aren't they?"
We both had a good good giggle, and despite getting a bit wet from the rain on the way back, the pies were delicious.
This particular Woolies has a basket queue and a trolley queue. It seems though, that not everyone sees the bakset queue as most people with only a few items still go to the basket queue. Which is fine. Whatever.
As I was standing in the queue, I noticed, for the first time, a sign that said - "5 items or less", and of course, I read it out loud - a quirk I have. The man in front of me replied "yes, they have a buzzer that will go off if you have more than 5 you know!: and smiled. To which I said: "well, I have seven. I hope they don't throw me out...". He laughed and commented: "Ja, it's those bikers you know - always causing trouble aren't they?"
We both had a good good giggle, and despite getting a bit wet from the rain on the way back, the pies were delicious.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Throttle rocker...
I have been riding a lot more, and feeling a lot more confident. I commute every day, rain or shine, and there has been a LOT of rain, and I think this is helping me.
I suppose like all things, it is a matter of practice.
I have found one small thing to help me though, and I am glad I found out about it on the forums. It is called a Throttle Rocker, or Throttle Meister. It is essentially a small plastic gadget that makes it easier to hold the juice open – using the palm of your hand and not only your fingers and grip.
It has helped me enormously, and I can’t imagine riding without one. Pic to follow shortly…
I suppose like all things, it is a matter of practice.
I have found one small thing to help me though, and I am glad I found out about it on the forums. It is called a Throttle Rocker, or Throttle Meister. It is essentially a small plastic gadget that makes it easier to hold the juice open – using the palm of your hand and not only your fingers and grip.
It has helped me enormously, and I can’t imagine riding without one. Pic to follow shortly…
Friday, January 16, 2009
Lane Splitting
I am still gaining confidence on my bike, but I do lane split even on the highway if the traffic is going slowly enough. The general consensus is that you should ride faster than 20 to 30 kms faster than the traffic around you, and I have to agree that this is certainly a good idea. I generally don't even ride as fast as that faster than the cars, as I am still gaining confidence and mastery of my bike at slow speeds.
Yesterday evening on my way home, on the highway, it was like some wonderful dream. The gaps were large, the cars were all friendly and made space, and the bikes behind me didn't seem in a hurry - they all thanked me when I moved out of their way, and it was all good.
This morning on my way into work, it was also good. Slightly less than 100% perfect, as a few cars deliberately cut me off, or tried to stop me from passing, etc. Again, this evening, coming home, it was good, and in general, the gaps were large, although I had to really concentrate.
I have made the following conclusions:
the cars are always the same, but the attitude of the rider determines the ride
As long as you have your wits about you 100%, the cars can do you no harm
if you are tired, or lacking in concentration, you will think it is the cars who are out to get you
if you go too fast, you will eventually come too close to a car, and we all know what the outcome of that is
if you ride like a bat out of hell, you will end up going back there
if you thank the cars, they will be more inclined to move out of the way next time
if you are patient, things are always better for you
even if the car does do something stupid, you are the one who will fall off and have an owie
cars just don't look in their rear view mirrors
I have decided that although it sometimes feels like all cars are out to kill all bikers, and deliberately cut us off, push in front of us, and block our way, it is not the case. They are either just in a hurry, don't care, don't see us, or are thick.
Either way, as a biker, I have to suck it up and wait a few extra seconds. This way I will live to write my daily reports in my blog.
ME, out.
Yesterday evening on my way home, on the highway, it was like some wonderful dream. The gaps were large, the cars were all friendly and made space, and the bikes behind me didn't seem in a hurry - they all thanked me when I moved out of their way, and it was all good.
This morning on my way into work, it was also good. Slightly less than 100% perfect, as a few cars deliberately cut me off, or tried to stop me from passing, etc. Again, this evening, coming home, it was good, and in general, the gaps were large, although I had to really concentrate.
I have made the following conclusions:
I have decided that although it sometimes feels like all cars are out to kill all bikers, and deliberately cut us off, push in front of us, and block our way, it is not the case. They are either just in a hurry, don't care, don't see us, or are thick.
Either way, as a biker, I have to suck it up and wait a few extra seconds. This way I will live to write my daily reports in my blog.
ME, out.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Not everyone hates bikers...
I saw the magic word today as I was leaving the Chemist on the way back to my bike in the parking lot - SALE - 30% off all items. It was a boutique-type clothing shop in the Carlswald centre that has quite girly clothes, and so I stopped in, helmet in hand, jelly tot bib done up, and laptop back pack on my back.
As I walked in, the lady said sweetly "just let me know if I can help you dearie", and smiled at me. I then took a look at hte clothes.
The other lady behind the counter said "Oh! You are a biker. What kind of bike do you ride?"
10 points for getting "ride" right, and antoher 10 for being so polite I thought. We had a great chat. She had a BM F650 GS which she sold before she emmigrated to NZ, but has had to come back with her husband. SHe says she misses her bike ilke crazy. I bet she does.
I don't know whether her shop assistant know she used to ride or that she just doesn't have a saak with bikers. I was pleasantly surprised by that.
Also, while standing in the queue at Dischem, an elderly lady saw me cleaning my visor. (It was raining and it got dirty).
"What a beautiful helmet" she said. "A lady one - being pink!"
She then proceeded to tell me all about her grand son and his riding and how she worries about him, and how she almost drove through a red robot and that it can happen and taht is why it is so dangerous cos people in cars day dream, etc.
She went on to tell me all about how she and her husband have retired and bought a plaas in the karoo, and how they are leaving tomorrow morning at 5am.
It is lovely when people treat you as a human even when they can clearly see you are a biker. Not everyone does.
As I walked in, the lady said sweetly "just let me know if I can help you dearie", and smiled at me. I then took a look at hte clothes.
The other lady behind the counter said "Oh! You are a biker. What kind of bike do you ride?"
10 points for getting "ride" right, and antoher 10 for being so polite I thought. We had a great chat. She had a BM F650 GS which she sold before she emmigrated to NZ, but has had to come back with her husband. SHe says she misses her bike ilke crazy. I bet she does.
I don't know whether her shop assistant know she used to ride or that she just doesn't have a saak with bikers. I was pleasantly surprised by that.
Also, while standing in the queue at Dischem, an elderly lady saw me cleaning my visor. (It was raining and it got dirty).
"What a beautiful helmet" she said. "A lady one - being pink!"
She then proceeded to tell me all about her grand son and his riding and how she worries about him, and how she almost drove through a red robot and that it can happen and taht is why it is so dangerous cos people in cars day dream, etc.
She went on to tell me all about how she and her husband have retired and bought a plaas in the karoo, and how they are leaving tomorrow morning at 5am.
It is lovely when people treat you as a human even when they can clearly see you are a biker. Not everyone does.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Do children think parents don't know?
It is back to school time, and I saw a few little kids in the shops pulling the oldest tricks in the newest ways. It reminded me of the ways I used to do the same thing. My question is this: do children really think that parents are stupid?
For example, there are two pairs of scirrors - one plain, one pretty and funky. The child says: "but the teacher says we have to get THAT one!"
I can remember saying exactly the same thing. I also remember that my Mom would sometimes let me get away with it, and sometimes not. But I can't remember if I thought she was really that silly as to believe that the teacher had specified a coloured or pretty eraser instead of a plain white one. HA HA
The same thing happened just yesterday in the shop with a small child. She insisted that Mom would always buy THAT cereal for breakfast for her specially for school, and not the plain one. Now consider this: does she really think that the Dad has never paid attention to what she eats? But he did buy it for her.
It was very cute watching the parents weighing up which things to let their children get away with and which not. At the end of the day, I think it was all fairly well done, and the children didn't get away with murder, so I guess it is all good.
I just wonder if I really thought that my parents didn't know I was trying to pull one over on them?
For example, there are two pairs of scirrors - one plain, one pretty and funky. The child says: "but the teacher says we have to get THAT one!"
I can remember saying exactly the same thing. I also remember that my Mom would sometimes let me get away with it, and sometimes not. But I can't remember if I thought she was really that silly as to believe that the teacher had specified a coloured or pretty eraser instead of a plain white one. HA HA
The same thing happened just yesterday in the shop with a small child. She insisted that Mom would always buy THAT cereal for breakfast for her specially for school, and not the plain one. Now consider this: does she really think that the Dad has never paid attention to what she eats? But he did buy it for her.
It was very cute watching the parents weighing up which things to let their children get away with and which not. At the end of the day, I think it was all fairly well done, and the children didn't get away with murder, so I guess it is all good.
I just wonder if I really thought that my parents didn't know I was trying to pull one over on them?
Friday, January 09, 2009
Dropped my bike AGAIN FFS
I decided to join the biker’s coffee bunch this morning at 6am…
I woke up at 5:30, and decided to snooze for a bit, and eventually got going at just before 6m, knowing that they would still be there if I got there about 6:10 or so.
I didn’t remember that I had to turn left as if to go to Sage Corporate Park, and went straight instead. I then, as soon as it was safe to do so, turned right and wanted to turn around in a drive way, but was on too steep an incline to push the bike backward. I decided there was nothing for it but to do a circle in the bundu. I know that I will not drop the bike if I keep moving, so I try my best to keep going, but the ground is soft from the rain yesterday, and I slip and stall. Then I drop the bike and fall quite badly., trapping myself under it the deepest I have yet. I manage to get out, and although I am little hurt, actually have hurt by back quite a lot, I jump up so that the passing motorists know that there is not an emergency…
One man does stop and help me lift the bike though. I am very greatful as in trying to lift it up myself, on an incline, and a bit shaken, I cannot do it myself.
I then go to the coffee place and find out that although they do serve coffee for the bikers, they don’t start serving breakfast until 7am, which is when I have to leave for work.
Anyway, at 7, I leave, after having met a few more friends, and I make my way to the shopping centre (Benmore Gardens) just over the road from my offices, only to find everything shut (Fair enough at 7:17 in the morning I suppose) except for Fornos. Thank God for Fornos. I order a toasted chicken mayo and wait. The lady who placed the order didn’t do it properly, and it has to be reordered since the manager keeps asking me if I am ok, and eventually he figures out that I am waiting for a take away, and he reorders it. I guess having a biker menacingly standing at the till is not godo for business. Ha ha.
The sarmie was very delicious, and despite the challenging start to the day, I am determined that it will be a good one.
Janis, out.
I woke up at 5:30, and decided to snooze for a bit, and eventually got going at just before 6m, knowing that they would still be there if I got there about 6:10 or so.
I didn’t remember that I had to turn left as if to go to Sage Corporate Park, and went straight instead. I then, as soon as it was safe to do so, turned right and wanted to turn around in a drive way, but was on too steep an incline to push the bike backward. I decided there was nothing for it but to do a circle in the bundu. I know that I will not drop the bike if I keep moving, so I try my best to keep going, but the ground is soft from the rain yesterday, and I slip and stall. Then I drop the bike and fall quite badly., trapping myself under it the deepest I have yet. I manage to get out, and although I am little hurt, actually have hurt by back quite a lot, I jump up so that the passing motorists know that there is not an emergency…
One man does stop and help me lift the bike though. I am very greatful as in trying to lift it up myself, on an incline, and a bit shaken, I cannot do it myself.
I then go to the coffee place and find out that although they do serve coffee for the bikers, they don’t start serving breakfast until 7am, which is when I have to leave for work.
Anyway, at 7, I leave, after having met a few more friends, and I make my way to the shopping centre (Benmore Gardens) just over the road from my offices, only to find everything shut (Fair enough at 7:17 in the morning I suppose) except for Fornos. Thank God for Fornos. I order a toasted chicken mayo and wait. The lady who placed the order didn’t do it properly, and it has to be reordered since the manager keeps asking me if I am ok, and eventually he figures out that I am waiting for a take away, and he reorders it. I guess having a biker menacingly standing at the till is not godo for business. Ha ha.
The sarmie was very delicious, and despite the challenging start to the day, I am determined that it will be a good one.
Janis, out.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Nigerian IP addresses?
We just recently moved into new offices, and as usual there are a few issues with networks, mail access, and the like. The mail is supposed to work through a sat link directly into the cloud, but the ISP’s servers are blocking the IP addresses for some reason.
There has been lost of investigation and it is still not solved, but I suspect a very simple reason for this. The IP range that has been assigned to our network is Nigerian. I can tell this because when you log on to Google it takes you to the Nigerian site.
Perhaps I will set up my own 411 scam. Watch this space…
There has been lost of investigation and it is still not solved, but I suspect a very simple reason for this. The IP range that has been assigned to our network is Nigerian. I can tell this because when you log on to Google it takes you to the Nigerian site.
Perhaps I will set up my own 411 scam. Watch this space…
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