Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ride report - day 3

So this morning I woke up at 6am and decided to take out my bike.

First thing I do is try turn her round in the car port. Instead of turning her on and using the engine to help me, I tried to push her and managed to drop her again, wedging myself between the wall of the house and the bike. Very eina. I finally manage to get out, and lift my bike using the leverage technique, and take a few minutes weighing up the options of going back to sleep versus sucking it up and going on the ride.

The road won, and I took her out.

A few hundred meters out of the complex (have not stalled yet) and there is a car behind me at the red robot. Nervous, I open the throttle a bit too much, lift the front wheel off the ground and scare the CR@P out of myself, but manage to keep it under control.

I head straight for a parking lot to practise my pull offs, and after about half an hour I decided to teach my bike the way to Sasol Pine Haven to see if there were any bikers there today.

Many bikes passed me on the way since I am riding her in and am keeping it under 4000 revs. I got there about 7:20 only to find that I just missed the group ride, but I did chat to a bunch of fellow bikers who meet there every weekend. I am sure you all knew that, but I didn't.

I stayed a bit, then got back on my bike, and came home the long way round.

My gear shifting is much smoother, and I didn't stall once today. :)

I am getting more confidence, although I still need much more time at low speeds.

I am just loving my bike, and am feeling more and more like part of the family since I am noticing more and more bikers waving and nodding at me.

I am working this week until 12 on Wednesday, but will go on my bike. I plan to complete my first 1000 kms before the end of December. That is the plan. I am sure I can make it. I am looking forward to more saddle time, but my back hurts from the fall t his morning, so I may not go out again this afternoon. I will have to see. I suspect a hardened biker would simply do it, but I don't want to risk being weaker and dropping her again. Sigh.

Anyway, thanks for all the encouragement. :)

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