Saturday, December 20, 2008

Difference between my scooter and my new F 650 GS

A few interesting things surprise me in the differences between my scooter (which I am sad to say I no longer have), and my new bike.

Apart from the the most obvious thing which is the acceleration, I have found that I feel much steadier (except at slow speeds when I am not yet as confident as I was on my scooter). I find it easier to take corners, and the braking is also better since I can use the gears to change down.

I like the fact that I am almost "holding" the bike with my legs instead of just sitting on the seat as I was on the scooter, and all in all, I feel safer with a bike that is able to give me much more when I open the throttle. I went on the highway, and was pleased to be able to accelerate up the hill instead of having to move over and hope against all odds that the cars would not bump me out of the way because I was only doing 75 up the hill.

Scooters are really lovely, and I am not sorry I started on mine. I loved her, and was sad to have to sell her, but it is time. I am pleased to have upgraded, and find that although I have a lot to learn, and need a lot of practise, I am loving every second of riding. I definately made the right choice.

I am also glad that I bought the most expensive ATGATT I could afford when I was scooting so that I don't have to buy anything new or replace anything now. It is all suitable for faster / harder / longer riding, and the plus side is while the bike is shiny and new I don't like a complete noob (except when i am stalling or dropping the bike ) since my gear has some houding.

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