So I thought it would be good to ride to Clarens with Pieman on the trip he organised for Saturday 27 December, after all, I was only on 300kms and I needed to get to 1000 in order to have run in the bike and get my first service over with.
This morning I woke up at 5:30 all ready to go, and excited about my first trip. I knew that there was giong to be one other person riding in a bike so I knew that at least I would not be the only slow one.
Some of us were going to meet at the Van Buuren off ramp, and then to meet the rest at the Block House Engen. I met the first few at Van Buuren, and they were really friendly and I knew it was going to be a great day. I don't know many people on TB yet, and must admit that I was a bit nervous about the ride. However, all my fears were allayed and I felt right at home, immediately.
We set off towards Vredefort once we had met up with the others, and discussed the route etc.
At one point, I turned a corner too wide on the way to a petrol station, and went bundu bashing, but it was all good, and I managed to get back onto the road with no problems.
After stopping for petrol, regrouping and redistributing the order of riders (which helped a lot) we finally arrived in Golden Gate Park. The scenery was absolutely breathtaking. The sky was blue, the clouds were white, and the mountains were just beautiful. It made me feel very small and insignificant in the large scheme of things.
We rode up and down some twisty turney roads, and I got a few frights, but learned a lot about cornering, braking, and keeping my head up, not looking directly at and into the *&^%$#@ pot holes.
My bike has now done her 1000 "riding in" kilometres, and is going very well. I am happy with how she handled, and how I handled myself on her. I still have a lot to learn (specially after TWO wide turns and treks in the bundu as a result), but have more confidence after today's 800 plus kms.
It was an absolutely fabulous ride, with fabulous people. I believe there are gentlemen out there still, as well as ladies in the true old-fashioned sense.
It was FUN FUN FUN, and I can't wait to do it again... Jsut as soon as I have had my first service.