Friday, July 10, 2009

food versus cell phones

I was stopped by a very paraat traffic officer the other day for holding my cell phone and my steering wheel in the same hand - I was speaking on speaker, as I had left my walk and talk at home. He motioned for me wind down my window and shouted at me that he wanted to fine me so I should pull over.

I asked politely why? I said I was using the speaker and was not holding the phone to my ear. He was adamant that "one person may not hold their cell phone whilst driving their vehicle".

We waited at the robot to turn, and he didn't want to wait, so just shook his finger at me and drive off.

But here's the question - I have never been stopped by a cop for eating food, or drinking a can of Coke, etc. And yes, they have seen me do it often. I have even gone through road blocks eating while driving.

go figure...


Rich said...

I have seen people doing much worse things while driving and nobody bats an eyelid....just as long as it wasn't a cell phone.

Anonymous said...

The law actually refers to "operating a cell phone" so you were "wrong".
But same time food, ciggies, drinks, radios, conversations, kids all distract, and can hardly ban THEM all.
Laws can never work, always comes dow to you :)

Janis Godwin Spear said...

True, I was wrong. And I would have accepted my fine willingly and paid it.

However, I was just wondering if "operating a cell phone" includes using a walk and talk or a blue tooth?