Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Cosmos flowers this year

This year I have noticed that the Cosmos were in full bloom again over Easter, and are still showing their brave colours in the face of oncoming winter. However, this year I have noticed something else as well. There are usually three distinct colours – white, pale pink and dark pink. This year there appear to be only two – white and light pink. I have only seen three patches of the dark pink, and they were more like one or two flowers standing alone than patches really.

I don’t know why that should be. Perhaps, despite the fact that it is illegal to pick them, people have picked these dark flowers, and there were no seeds left to regenerate that colour this year, or perhaps it is genetically a weaker specie, or perhaps there is a dark pink cosmos flower eater doing the rounds, and they have all been eaten. I don’t know. All I know is that the dark red is my favourite colour, and there are hardly any this year. It is a pity too, because they add such a beautiful splash of colour to the roadsides.

They are still beautiful with the white and light pink, but because I know there is something missing, it seems like a pity.

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