Saturday, July 01, 2006

Blue screen of death!!!!

So, my mother describes me as working in IT, and in fact, I used to be an IT consultant, but that area is so wide that I don’t mind admitting that I am fairly clueless when my computer decides to do whatever it wants, and I can’t fix it…

It is damn frustrating, because there are many computer-related issues that I can fix on my own, but there area many things I cannot. For the last month or so, I have noticed a steady decline in the reliability of my machine, and I know all about the bathtub curve. I know that my machine has done sterling service, and in terms of technology half-life – it has done more than its share of work. It has served me very well for more than 5 years, and I will be very sad to say goodbye to it. You know what it’s like – you get used to where the keys are, and all laptop keyboards have slightly different positioning for the Enter key, the backslash key, and the backspace key, so I am not looking forward to the change. But, change is mostly good, so perhaps it is time for my laptop to go home to all the other laptops in the sky where it will be able to rest…

First, though, I will try reformatting the hard drive, and reloading all my stuff, but in my experience, one you start getting disk errors, the game is over. If you see me online, then yo know I succeeded. If not, then it is me – zero, technology – bazillions.

If only I did not spend all that money I saved on new tyres for my car… What a difficult choice to make for a girl to make – safety on the road, or being able to chat with her friends…


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