Friday, April 28, 2006


Okay, so there is an even BIGGER guy out there now. The other evening the Undertaker and Marc Henry were gong at it - two of the WWE's largest and most agressively brilliant wrestlers without being OTT like Kane (who I personally think is just a psycho [and it is probably just marketed that way,,,]) when another hulking brute of a man walked in and stepped over the top rope as if it were just a tiny ostacle.

Now, Taker must be 6 foot 7, (no, I am not obsessed to the point where I know the EXACT stats of each wrestler), but he must be one of, if not THE tallest man around, and this new-comer towered over him. Taker came up to just under his nose.


And he did not look like a freak either. He looked a bit like the character Jaws from the James Bond movies, but without the bling in his mouth. With one overhand chop he knocked the Undertaker down. It was extraordinary.

I still don't know who he was - the announcers didn't say. I guess it is time to watch the next installment. And you say it isn't a soapie...

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