Monday, February 20, 2006

Telkom strikes again!

So my landline was not working on Saturday, and I tried to report it as a faulty line, but when I called the offices, the woman I spoke to said she could not report it as they had a fault on their line, and their system was down.

Ha ha.

But I should call again later and report it. Yeah, right.

I tried again a few hours later - still no joy, but at least this time the person took my name.

I called again this morning (2 days later) and spoke to a man whose name I shall not place here in order to protect his identity. I said to him "Hi, I would like to report my phone - the line seems to be faulty - it is not working".

He said "what is wrong with it?" Okay, now either he is not listening, or he is just trying to annoy me. All I know is that the phone is not working. I explaind that again using small words, speaking slowly and without getting annoyed, although by this time I was already irritated.

Then, the next thing he does is try to sell me additional services. I am not even joking.

I politely told him I was not interested, and just asked him when he thought technicians would be ale to fix my line. He replied I had to test it with at least two phones or he could not send someone out because then they could not be sure if it was the phone or the instrument. I explained that I had tried with my computer and modem to dial and it was not working. He said I had to test it with two instruments. I tried to explain that I had done that. AFter about 10 minutes of arguing, he said they would charge me for a call out if the line was not faulty and they came anyway (by this time - I don't care if they take my first born...) so I anwer - that's fine mumble mumble.

He says please will I wait while he tests the line...

"Yes, Miss Goodwin", (clearly cannot read too well either) there is definatly a fault on your line (so why the *^%^&$ can't he do this before arguing with me causing my blood pressure to go up?). Is there permanentmy someone at your home?"

Long story short, due to the rain and whatever else, (probably also the fact that I gave him attitude)my name is on a list (maybe at the bottom for a few days, sigh) and someone will call me when they are ready to help me.

I bet that in a few weeks, a man will call from my house and ask where I am. I did clearly state that I am at work and they need to let me know when I must go home to wait for them, but they never do.

Watch this space.

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