It never ends. Yesterday a good friend of mine was telling someone about how well we get on. She was overheard making a derogatory remark about me, and the listener asked how long we had known each other. In fact, we have only just met, but have some sort of connection.
My new friend said "Oh, Janis and I have a very good repetoire." Surely she meant rapport? Sigh.
And another one - which was not a joke, despite the hillarity - upon hearing that a mutual friend had pluracy, he asked me if that meant you see double.
Again, I have to ask myself: "How stupid do you have to be to be able to dress yourself and find your way to work every morning?"
The answer, unfortunatly, is that apparantly, it doesn't matter. One look around my office will confirm this sad fact, and if you stay and listen, you will know that I am right. English doesn't live here anymore.
Ah yes, the proof is in the pudding
Well then spoeg it out.
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