Apart from the horrendous over-use of the apostrophe (in cases such as one DVD, many DVD's [aargh!], one PC, many PC's [again, aargh!]) the correct usage of simple spelling and phrases that one would have thought could be mangled are consistently being eroded by everyone around me, and it is driving me crazy!
There are, I will grudgingly admit, some phrases or difficult usages that I can understand may change with use and become accepted in another form, but here are some examples that made me cry with laughter: (I have not figured out how to post photos, so you will have to take my word for the fact that I have seen these)
- At the salad station in the canteen: Cold Statoin (Surely since this was printed it could have been spell checked?!?)
- On the gates in the complex next to me, one gate says visitors and the other residence (I almost crashed my car when I read that)
- On the street sign for my road - Eigth road instead of Eighth Road
Apart from signs, I also hear mangled expressions such as those listed below:
- Oh, for crying out loud in a bucket (!?!)
- The proof is in the pudding (really? I always thought it was in the eating)
- She is the epiphany of organisation (surely you mean epitome)
Maybe I am becoming an old fart, but I hate to see the poor language tortured so much. Oh well, nothing much I can do about it.
Y'all have a good day now y'hear. (He he)